I don't think I wanna know
47 0 ReplyPeaceNBullets Ceasefire Violation?
40 0 Replythe dopamine fiend
He died doing what he loved!
39 0 Replysquirrel
Starving, because I couldn't remember where I hid my nuts.
35 0 Replysnail It finally caught up to me
32 0 Replyivanafterall ☑️
The fucking Russians, of course.
26 1 ReplyRagingHungryPanda Oh god
23 0 ReplyMorti Morti means "of death" in Latin. I guess I'm going to die of death...
23 0 ReplyAnonomousWolf OP
Silently hunted down by a mysterious lone wolf.
22 0 ReplyCanadaPlus The US actually does invade, and I die in some kind of defensive gambit where they take more casualties than us.
Unfortunately, that's a vibe killer now, because it doesn't feel totally impossible and we still like each other. Sorry.
22 0 Replychicken 21 0 ReplyBigBenis I'm not sure I want to know...
20 0 ReplyAGuyAcrossTheInternet Inviting my Farmville girlfriend over.
17 0 ReplyBirch Tree
17 0 ReplyTranslateErr0r You wouldn't understand
16 0 ReplyDeathray5 It's fairly self explanatory
15 0 ReplyAgent_Orange Oh, no…
15 0 Replytaxiiiii Guess I run into traffic, yelling and waving at the taxi that just deliberately passed me by. Then I get hit by a truck.
15 0 ReplyCaptain Aggravated
I'm going to go down with my ship, bellowing orders to my crew until the last.
14 0 ReplyPugJesus
Raptured by the One True Dog
14 0 Replylol_idk lol idk
14 0 Replybizarroland
Whatever it is, it's going to be the subject of several YouTube documentaries.
13 0 ReplyRamblingPanda Jesus Christ, that'll be gruesome...
13 0 ReplyWilhelmStroker
Furiously stroking my willy.
12 0 Replyinb4_FoundTheVegan
A detective stands over my lifeless body, Detective Salvitore is panting for air, desperate to catch up to her partner and mount the hill. She reaches the crest covered in sweat, vision blurring but enthused at the grim sight before Detective Glassgow.
Salvitore fumbles for her radio, wheezing a shaky "We... we... I... found-" before Glassgow cuts her off.
"Save it Sal, I already told them we found the vegan."
12 0 ReplyMobster Sleeping with the fishes
11 0 Replyoxytocin Happily.
11 0 Replybeansbeansbeans Lots of beans
11 0 ReplyFortyTwo I guess I'm not growing old
11 0 Replyteardownthewalls Wrong place wrong time during a controlled demolition
11 0 ReplyGrammarPolice 🤨
11 0 Replyfiendishplan Something the Scooby gang could have prevented.
11 0 ReplyI Cast Fist
I'll leave it to you, reader, to guess the "where" it is cast
10 0 ReplyOmgboom With a bang
10 0 ReplyRiskyword Derogatory slur
10 0 ReplyChronicMasturbator Uhhhh.
10 0 ReplyKissaki
By Japanese sword thrust
10 0 ReplyDarkFuture
Mine's pretty open-ended.
I'm going to go with gassing in a concentration camp for opposing the fascists.
History repeats itself.
11 1 Replyflicker
First I am. And then...
I'm not.
10 0 ReplyStovetop Boiled alive
10 0 Replygon [he]
I'm already gone...
10 0 ReplyDoctor_Satan
10 0 ReplyBroiledShit I dont want to think about it
9 0 ReplyHemingways_Shotgun Self Explanatory actually.
9 0 Replynimble Idk, i wouldn't see it coming
9 0 Replybilnkandmissit I’ll never know. I blinked.
9 0 Replyinnermeerkat
A remake of Alien but with a meerkat
9 0 Replyf4f4f4f4f4f4f4f4 Bludgeoned to death with a keyboard?
9 0 ReplyOuchie1 Painfully, I'd assume
9 0 ReplySpruceBringsteen Tree fall maybe?
8 0 Replyachance4cheese Hey, somebody left some perfectly good Swiss on this block of wood. How convenient, don’t mind if I d….*
8 0 Reply/home/pineapplelover Too many pineapples
8 0 ReplyNotAnotherLemmyUser Well... I can tell you who didn't do it.
8 0 Replymiss_demeanour
8 0 Replymissingno
Error caused by an invalid pointer
8 0 Replythemeatbridge Bridge collapse
8 0 Replygo $fsck yourself Drive errors would pile up on critical systems because they didn't filesystem check themselves before they filesystem wrecked themselves
8 0 Replydotslashme exit 0
8 0 Replysupernight52 Yes, please. 52 years old, and dying after one super night.
8 0 ReplyCalcifer
My flame will be extinguished.
8 0 Replynotthatcreative Meh…
8 0 ReplyExistentialKiwi Nihilistic fruit
8 0 ReplyFourth
At least I would know what was coming, three would come before me.
8 0 Replydeepfriedchril Ouch...
8 0 Replynotsure
7 0 ReplyCheeseToastie I choke to death while alone, try to self heimlich and fail. My body is found half eaten by my cats with my cold, dead hand still clutching the offending cheese toastie.
7 0 ReplyDevmapall Mine unlocks the cheat codes from Jedi knight 2. So probably dismembered by jedi or sith spawns
7 0 Replyfrostysauce Alcoholism.
7 0 ReplySkyrmir Thor dropping a mountain on my head.
7 0 ReplyPeriodicallyPedantic I probably say something
And it gets me in troubleEdit:
Hahaha I actually forgot my username and thought I was using one that I use elsewhere, but this still applies exactly the same 🤣😭7 0 Replythisisbutaname Dunno
7 0 Replymassacre Chuckles... I'm in trouble
7 0 Replyaccideath In an accident.
7 0 ReplyBJ_and_the_bear Well, I'd guess I'd go out the way I'd always knew I would; mauled while getting blown by a bear 🤤
8 1 ReplyWytch
Burned at the stake, hanged, crushed, or drowned. Plenty of options.
7 0 Replyoldfart Asphyxiation
7 0 ReplyVodkaSolution
It will be a hell of a party!
7 0 ReplyResurectra Not sure how I die, but I guess I’m coming back to life after …
7 0 ReplyMimicJar
My character makes a sandwich. I reach for the peanut butter...
7 0 ReplyHellsBelle Having a heart attack at an AC/DC concert.
6 0 ReplyCH3DD4R_G0B-L1N
6 0 Replyfempyre I am very satisfied with this outcome
6 0 Replycassowary Very painfully
6 0 ReplyFuck spez Death by snu snu? Not really how I wanted to go -- unless it kills both of us.
6 0 ReplyErik Chopped into several large pieces. But it will be awesome.
6 0 Reply大きいBOY A very large child does something in such a way that I would die.
6 0 ReplyMayor Poopington Too much taco bell
6 0 ReplyArseAssassin Sounds unpleasant.
6 0 ReplyUncleJesus I don't think its widely used anymore
6 0 ReplySqueezer In a squeezer
6 0 Replysystemglitch Too many to count.
6 0 Replyskooma_king In some sketchy den with a khajiit
6 0 Replyprettybunnys And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, 'O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.' And the Lord did grin. And the people did feast upon the lambs, and sloths, and carp, and anchovies, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats, and large chulapas...
6 0 ReplyTransient Punk
I think I'm probably going to die in a gutter somewhere
6 0 Replydanciestlobster High stakes dance off. I never stood a chance against the wiley crustacean
6 0 Replyme_jumper Strangled by my hoodie?
6 0 ReplyTheRealKuni SUPPLIES!
Or being thrown out of a second story window during karate lessons.
6 0 Replycattywampas Some catty wampas, likely.
5 0 ReplyLedgeDrop ....that last step will be a doozy.
5 0 ReplyCuteCatBeingEatenByHaitian Oh this is an easy one
5 0 ReplyERROR: Earth.exe has crashed Death by simulation crashing.
Or if going by the actual username and not the display name: Death By Air Conditioner Crashing On My Head Beacause I'm Too Indecisive To Choose Anything
Aka: The Chidi Death
5 0 Replyazulavoir Well I'm named for a fictional character I wrote about. so presumably she comes to life and for some reason tries to kill me
5 0 ReplyHobbitFoot I've seen Monty Python before.
5 0 ReplyMrMobius
Like mathematician August Ferdinand Möbius, at 77, in Leipzig?
5 0 Replyidunnololz
I dont't know lulz
5 0 ReplyKaput Just broke.
5 0 ReplyAmerican_Jesus
By a spear, then repawn after 3 days
5 0 ReplyAppearanceBoring9229 In front of my PC without anyone noticing until days later
5 0 Replyabominable_panda Mauled, eaten or crushed to death
... or cuteness overload
5 0 ReplyRBWells Oh, no, Timmy fell down the well again!
5 0 ReplyHeathcliff Cat.
5 0 Replyimmortaly007 It wouldn't.
5 0 Replybampop quickly
5 0 ReplySpaceRanger13 A daring suicide rescue mission where I manually hold the button on some space nuke to save the day.
5 0 ReplyIncorgnito An undercover Corgi mission.
5 0 ReplyBlumpkinhead I just hope I'm on the receiving end.
5 0 ReplyPolysics A Japanese Math Rock band murders me
5 0 ReplyScott_of_the_Arctic I am just going outside and may be some time...
5 0 Replyhitstun
5 0 Replyskinless_corpus Flayed alive, I guess. Could be worse.
5 0 Replyarch oh noo im gonna die because i use arch
5 0 ReplyCordyceps_cereal Mind control cereal
5 0 ReplyTheImpressiveX
5 0 Replyflubba86 Obesity, and bounciness.
5 0 ReplyAssassin4 No idea
5 0 ReplyGrabthar Can't say that I know, but I shall be avenged.
4 0 ReplyCall me Lenny/Leni Someone finally writes my name in that death note.
4 0 ReplyMyDarkestTimeline01 Well shit.
4 0 ReplyZagamTheVile I'm not sure of the details but hazmat will be involved and it'll probably make the news.
4 0 ReplyZonetrooper
Struck by railgun fire.
4 0 Replydarkdemize
In the dark.
4 0 ReplyMenschlicher_Fehler
Death by human error... sounds about right.
4 0 Replysittinonatoilet No idea
4 0 ReplySequentialsilence In the middle of the night with nary a sound to be heard.
4 0 ReplyApeman42
At least I'll get to meet Bigfoot before he kills me.
4 0 Replywhodatdair ah hell, I’m getting shot by a drunk hillbilly aren’t I?
4 0 ReplyMossy Feathers (She/They)
Some kind of ancient forest spirit emerges from the woods, consumes my soul and leaves my body in a coma before fading back into the trees without a trace.
4 0 ReplyFundMECFS I’ll donate so much to research I won’t have money to eat?
4 0 Replyedric Depending on what your lemmy app/UI displays, executed either by Paul or Stilgar. One would be brought back though.
4 0 Replyuntorquer Brake failure on a mountain road.
4 0 ReplyKSP Atlas
Died in a rocket accident and quickloads didn't work
4 0 Replyhungryphrog
Guess I'm a very tasty bug.
4 0 Replypeaches Decomposing at old age in some field snd then a tree grows out of me
4 0 Replyvapourisation Very quickly but likely quite painful
4 0 ReplyUrist
I get bit by a werewolf and sentenced for execution due to being a danger to society. For some reason they choose death by drowning and it turns out I cannot drown because I am a vampire. I then actually do not die because I am an undead.
4 0 ReplyThrowawayPermanente Locked in a dumpster in Mexico, I guess
4 0 ReplyCoffeeJunkie Mine is pretty obvious.
4 0 ReplyBigBananaDealer
i guess the deal goes wrong and i dont make it
4 0 ReplyGrumpyDuckling Walking through the park with a bauggette
4 0 Replyatro_city oh oh... I'm in danger.
3 0 Replybacon_saber An epic duel. Maybe somebody loses a hand, idk
3 0 Replyrenamon_silver Digimon incident. I might cringe if I were alive to care.
3 0 Replylohky Most would assume chaos, but in reality it would be my guild saying my name wrong enough times that I finally gave up and changed the "I" to an "L".
3 0 ReplyDrunkRobotMan I'll live to see the cyberpunk era, but will not be happy about it...
3 0 ReplyWren Adorably.
3 0 ReplyKorrok Eaten by a living supercomputer that thirsts for dimensional conquest
3 0 ReplyWolf314159 A space battle with transcendental Borg Spheres.
3 0 ReplyExcrubulent
3 0 Replyshiiika 3 0 ReplyLemminary I get ackshually'd to death in the comments. 💀
3 0 ReplyCanopyflyer High speed dirt man, high speed dirt.
3 0 ReplyGoldholz I probably sleep with king Midas or meet Apollo and he grants me the same wish
3 0 ReplyBjörn Tantau
3 0 Reply😈MedicPig🐷BabySaver😈
Saving the life of an infant/child from some type of shit show.
3 0 ReplyNocturnalMorning Stayed up multiple nights in a row and accidently ran into traffic having some kind of psychotic break.
3 0 ReplyHuntressHimbo
Hatchet + cannibalism seems likely
3 0 Replyother_cat
The OTHER cat got me.
3 0 ReplyJonnyprophet No one can tell... (Well maybe)... But I should have seen it coming.
3 0 ReplySunsofold If it's literal, I have a very, very, very long life of space travel ahead of me.
If it's in the Carl Sagan metaphorical 'we are star stuff' sense, then it could literally be anything.
3 0 ReplyUnfortunateShort
3 0 ReplyAmosBurton_ThatGuy
I'll live for eternity I guess. Really don't want that tbh
3 0 ReplyBinette
beaten to death with a hoe
3 0 Replya_postmodern_hat Electrocution helmet? Or something gross from Saw
3 0 ReplyMothra
Either a fight with a massive reptile or lethal attraction to a strong light source, not sure
3 0 ReplyDramasquared I run away from it, but it finally catches up.
3 0 Replybestboyfriendintheworld Death by snusnu
3 0 Replytoiletobserver Heart attack while Internet browsing from my favorite location
3 0 Replyweirdbeardgame Weird ... Is what I'd say
3 0 ReplyMatriks404 I will be deleted and no evidence that I ever existed will be found.
3 0 ReplyAmbiguousProps
I'll be killed by a bunch of odd, possibly shapeless movie props.
3 0 Replypleasestopasking Alone in my apartment and nobody checks on me for not responding, because I stopped responding long before.
3 0 ReplyRememberTheApollo_
Some kind of internet last stand.
3 0 ReplySendPicsofSandwiches
3 0 ReplyRivalarrival
My nemesis showed up.
3 0 ReplyChainweasel A human centipede but made of weasels
3 0 Replyanarchiddy I have an anarchist child and they kill me in a rebellion.
I'd be so proud.
3 0 ReplyWilco Someone will give me really deadly advice over a radio and I will just be like "ok, that sounds legit".
3 0 ReplyBrundleFly2077 I’ve still got some time, but now I’m afraid… very afraid
2 0 Replyforrgott That's a good question...
2 0 ReplyGoretantath Fighting a bear for its ass in elwynn forest.
2 0 ReplyKingJalopy
Beheaded by the monarch of shitty vehicles.
2 0 ReplyLucy :3
Mashing Keys
2 0 ReplyVing Thor Killed by giant snake.
2 0 Replyℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠 anonymously
2 0 ReplyMagister
by having a magic spell cast on me I guess
2 0 ReplyAsfalttikyntaja I think I get run over by self driving Tesla.
2 0 Replyjust_ducky_in_NH Just ducks!
2 0 Replyparmesan The Olive Garden waiter never heard the cue to stop so I suffocate on the fine powdery goodness
2 0 ReplyMrsDoyle
2 0 ReplyThe_Caretaker Frozen to death at a mountain resort after being haunted by ghosts who wanted me to murder my family. (The Shining)
2 0 ReplyDark Arc
An arc of electricity in a pitch black room.
2 0 Replypunksnotdead I won't. You can't kill rock and roll!
2 0 Replylemsip OD'ing on cold/flu medication
2 0 Replyeponymous_anonymous After the last and final of many disappearances, rumours grow of a man named Anonymous. No one met him in person, but everyone knew who he was. Over time the stories are embellished and exaggerated, eventually becoming a shorthand for the very concept of anonymity
2 0 ReplyAwkwardTurtle Awkwardly, and involving a turtle
2 0 ReplyHubertManne Likely it would be from a lethal dose of radiation I would endure while fixing a warp drive that was desperately needed.
2 0 ReplyTrackinDaKraken Hmmm. I dunno.
2 0 ReplyDeadlyMau5 I guess a NY rat
2 0 Reply👍Maximum Derek👍
I guess I'll be rebooted by Mindy until I'm too powerful for the universe... or my windchimes fall off.
2 0 Replytonntaalainn A 60ft wave off Mullaghmore, Ireland
2 0 Replynocturne
I guess at 2:13 in the morning/night.
2 0 ReplyMod
mildly, nothing extreme
2 0 ReplyYoloBurrito In a blaze of TexMex
2 0 Replylemmefixdat4u Someone wants me dead
2 0 ReplyKokusnussRitter King Arthur will come with his coconut playing entourage and claim my mortal soul. I should get a white rabbit. or maybe I should avoid it? Who can tell
2 0 ReplyCrazyLikeGollum Something Volcano related, possibly involving a ring and a couple of short men. One of whom is a goddamn hero.
2 0 ReplyWobble I get murder suicided
2 0 ReplyGeeDubHayduke Dangling a jeep over a cliff while escaping a Mormon bishop.
2 0 Replyneidr Snakebite
2 0 Replyy0kai
2 0 Replywjrii I literally have no idea.
2 0 ReplyCLTCMNDR I am commanded…. by the clits 😟
2 0 Replyunconsciousvoidling 🤷♂️
2 0 ReplyDaniNatrix Demise details unclear, but I'm excited to find out! May require a safe word lol
2 0 ReplyHaveMeOnYourPodcast Doxxed by H3?
2 0 Replysurph_ninja I came close with the undertow a few times. I wouldn’t be mad. There’s worse ways to go.
Or maybe a surfing ninja will take me out. Which is a cool as hell way to die.
2 0 Replyjumbonipples Ummmm I get smothered maybe? Idk or they rise up in numbers and kill me some other way.
2 0 Replycurry Very delicious and spicy as intended.
2 0 Replykablammy Suddenly and all over the place
No doubt, it would be an epic tale.
2 0 ReplyRizzRustbolt Oxidation.
2 0 ReplyEchoCranium All the pressure built up from the escalating screams echoing inside my skull will make my head explode in a spectacular and messy fashion.
2 0 Replyhactar42 Pulverized and set adrift as an interstellar cloud
2 0 ReplyNapKat
Napping with a kat?
2 0 ReplyHappyTimeHarry I cant die because some asshole cup threw me off a cliff and turned me into a Hylander.
2 0 ReplySmokeyDope
I die in a four way sesh-to-the-death match between snoop dog, cheech, Ricky from TBP and myself.
2 0 ReplyPM_Your_Nudes_Please I’m not sure, but I’d die happy.
2 0 Reply58008
Knowing my luck, probably cancer.
2 0 Replyfubarx So many ways...
2 0 Replyunalivejoy Having the time of my life
2 0 Replychiliedogg Shamefully.
2 0 Replyhmmm
2 0 Replyocean Ocean
2 0 ReplySnot Flickerman
To flick snot, you gotta pick your nose.
Let's just say I delved too geedily and too deep and started brain pickin'.
2 0 ReplyDasFaultier A sloth, so I'm sure it will be a slow death.
2 0 Replytiredofsametab Well, my username is because I got tired of a website only allowing you to set opening all links in new tabs if you had an account, so it might be hard to die by internet tab. I also religiously close tabs as soon as I'm done, so I never have that many open. If we can loosen the rules: drowns by bad genie wish in tab cola.
2 0 ReplyAdulated_Aspersion It would be whelming. Just so.
2 0 ReplyAtHeartEngineer
Probably painfully
2 0 ReplyHipsterTenZero
I am hereby consigned and sentenced to death by royal order of his majesty Dominus Thrax, hero of all.
I really shouldn't be such a contrarian, especially when it comes to faustian deals with magical deep space clones...
2 0 Replythezeesystem Working in a server system and it falls on me, if there's a afterlife I'll see the name of system was named "zee"
2 0 Replyhuquad Some of you may die, but that's a price I'm willing to pay.
1 0 Replythis
I guess I spontaneously turn into manure?
1 0 Replycepelinas I die of either choking on a boiled potato meal or eat to death, both sound plausible...
1 0 ReplyB312 In a last stand against racist aliens who want to destroy mankind
1 0 Replyqaz I guess I'll explode
1 0 ReplyTHCDenton
Get way to high and get wrapped up in an international conspiracy
1 0 ReplyAggravationstation I have a heart attack after getting pissed off, at some sort of station.
1 0 ReplyVandals_handle
Not sure how but I will be underground, nostalgic and depressed when I do.
1 0 ReplyBobbyShmurda Shmurdered Murdered....
1 0 ReplyShawiniganHandshake Choked to death by the Canadian Prime Minister.
1 0 Reply🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 🇮
1 0 ReplyManWithH0Name His name is Candy and he has a good shot.
1 0 ReplyPhoenixz I guess I'll burn to death and then be revived somehow
1 0 Replyjubilationtcornpone Jubilation T. Cornpone is the name of a Confederate general from an old comic strip called Lil' Abner. In the story line, he's kind of like a local "hero" who was famous for his incompetence.
So, my death will most likely be from some outlandish yet predictable, self-inflicted blunder. Like Wyle E. Coyote sawing through the edge of the cliff he happens to be standing on.
1 0 Replywanderwisley On an intelligent journey.
1 0 ReplyMaram Suicide I guess.
1 0 ReplyDonJefe
Being the boss
1 0 Replythisbenzingring you ever see those pictures of birds with their guts exposed and it being full of plastic?
thats this benzing ring (plastic)
1 0 Replyanonproxy00 alone and unknown :')
1 0 Replythrillhouse I die from too much excitement while playing Bonestorm?
1 0 ReplyLucidiaDiamond Too much LSD
1 0 Replychuck Hmm chuck of some sort. either I'm turned into chuck or a drill chuck flies out of nowhere and gets me smack in the head
1 0 ReplyMIXEDUNIVERS I would not be the only one
1 0 Replycyrano
"D'un coup d'épée,
Frappé par un héros, tomber la pointe au coeur !"...
-- Oui, je disais cela !... Le destin est railleur !...
Et voilà que je suis tué dans une embûche,
Par-derrière, par un laquais, d'un coup de bûche !
C'est très bien. J'aurai tout manqué, même ma mort.1 0 Replykaidezee Err.. I don't even know how to understand that. Eaten by kraken?
1 0 Replykuunari Sailing. I guess an accident
1 0 Reply7uWqKj Not at all I guess?
1 0 ReplyKlnsfw 🏳️🌈 Something not safe for work, and probably not safe at all.
1 0 Replythe_crotch Syphallis
1 0 Replybuffysummers
Saving the world a lot.
1 0 Reply🎨 Elaine Cortez 🇨🇦
I died doing what I loved, making art.
1 0 Replymegane-kun
A horrible accident involving a pair of eyeglasses.
1 0 Replycrimsonpoodle Genetic engineering gone wrong
1 0 ReplyDaniNatrix Details of demise unclear but I'm excited to find out, may need a safe word lol
1 0 ReplyAllHailTheSheep probably something cult related I guess
1 0 ReplyVenicone
Killed by a Pictish tribe in scotland
1 0 Replysteeznson I'd piss off the wrong person with an excess of style with ease
1 0 Replythe_grass_trainer
I catch a Solarbeam to the face!
1 0 ReplyWEAPONX Slashed to ribbons by freshly escaped crazed Wolverine.
1 0 ReplyVopyr I guess I'll die from being sucked out of my blood by a vampire.
1 0 ReplyJrockwar In world war IV, I'd say.
1 0 Replyxorollo It's happening one way or another. But not both.
1 0 ReplyFrom_D4rkness
No one would see it, but they may hear it.
1 0 Replystarman2112
I'm so incredibly okay with this, no matter how the universe opts to interpret it
1 0 ReplyGabadabs One too many dabs
1 0 Replyall tomorrow's regrets
1 0 Replykaty ✨
it was the sweet tooth in the end
1 0 ReplyRouthinator
My descendent will be turned into a terminator by the out of control AI death robots sent to kill the generations long Canadian insurgency in order to come back in time and take me and my family out.
1 0 ReplyAynRandLibertarian
By becoming a libertarian techno-warlord who dies when my company owned city state invades the nation of disney.
1 0 Reply