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Haunted bucket of bog water

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Signal's Meredith Whittaker says AI agents doing tasks on users' behalf pose security and privacy risks and refers to their use as “putting your brain in a jar”.
  • "A computer can never be held accountable - therefore a computer must never make a management decision". - IBM Training manual, 1979.

    So jazzed to live here in the future where we have AI making insurance denials and deciding drone targets! /s

    Good on her for standing against the Silicon Valley doom hype machine.

  • I've had three accounts suspended or exiled from Reddit recently. I posted a link to this piece on the open web and lost another account.
  • Agreed - Even before this, the only thing I really used reddit for was to search. It's unfortunate that Reddit is really the only search option with a decent chance of surfacing the information I want to know - most search results if you don't add "Reddit" at the end are AI slop, ads, or AI generated listicles.