I've never seen this but it feels at least 10 years old
I've never seen this specific photo, but it absolutely was popular ~2010.
Tubas and trombones were popular choices among band students
In Japan, it's rather old and I haven't seen anyone doing it lately (though I admittedly barely touch any SNS, though watching my wife browse insta, I've never seen it).
And seen multiple people using it, not just Japanese.
This was the best thing I'd seen all day, until I saw this:
...and this is just true love:
The top image is peak Ayase Momo cosplay
Otaku when they learn about Kogal fashion:
I was there Gandalf, I was there three thousand years ago...
Darkness took me and I strayed away through thought and time. Stars wheeled overhead and every meme was as long as a life age of the earth...
Fake, she's not even blowing on it.
Shes using an advanced technique common in bass instruments known as "slapping."
I need a dramatic close up on a bystander who gasps in surprise before announcing "She's not even blowing into it!" followed by the close up of the shooter saying "That's right, I have gone BEYOND the need to blow into my instrument of destruction!"
╓───────────────╖ ╏I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW MORE╏ ╙───────────────╜
Is this the next Hibiki Euphonium series?
Way better than the fad of throwing jugs of milk in grocery stores.
You’re goddamn right.
This quiet offends Slaanesh, things should get LOUD now!
Nah, man. This is likely Khorne for the old battle bugle
We had this in the west as well when I was a kid. It was called fus-ro-dahing or something.
We had hadokens before Morrowind, let alone Skyrim, when I was a kid. Street Fighter was pretty popular.
Oh god, skyrim is 14 years old
I prefer "How do you do, Ken?"-ing and "Sorry you Ken!"-ing...
I thought that was when you just spammed ranged attacks?
If japs didn't exist, they should be invented.