I'm impressed with the psychic that's been reading Trump's mind and deciphering his plan in order to give us, the public, such a detailed view into ideas he's never shared publicly, certainly not coherently.
This entire piece is a work of fiction. It's what the author desperately hopes Trump is thinking; entirely unmoored from reality.
Yeah it's 90% wishful thinking glued together with a tiny smattering of reality. There is some merit in a few bits and pieces of the article, but I'm also certain that is not at all even remotely the thought process driving Trump's decisions. I'm also equally certain things will not be playing out like the author is desperately hoping they will.
What is going to happen is Trump is going to absolutely tank the US economy, possibly badly enough to qualify as the second great depression. What happens after that is pure speculation but nothing that's good for the US unless by some miracle this finally kills off the Republican party and the neo-liberal branch of the Democrats (which sadly these days is less a branch and more a trunk).
A prolonged depression might actually be the best thing for this country in terms of breaking the spell Trump has on people and realigning political parties. The biggest threat would be private ownership scooping up even more assets, so we'd have to get radical with solutions there.
Even if Trump isn't smart enough to be entertaining a plan like this, you could read the article as "Is there any way Trump could get lucky and have his tariffs actually help the USA?"