Trump freezes $1 billion in food aid given to local schools and food banks
Trump freezes $1 billion in food aid given to local schools and food banks
The Trump administration reportedly said it had determined this funding ‘no longer effectuates agency priorities and that termination of the award is appropriate’

crank0271 Could someone please just give me a heads up when we reach "great again"?
43 0 Replyzib
What could be greater than halting hand-outs to the unworthy who include... checks notes... children and the poors? /s
19 0 Replylennee Its gonna be after all the poors die of starvation or something like that
7 0 ReplySolacefromSilence Perhaps we should consider this modest proposal,
5 0 Reply
SatansMaggotyCumFart You've got to have triple commas to see the great again part.
6 0 Reply1024_Kibibytes
And the world is already great if you have triple commas, so it's just make yourself slightly richer with no actual change in a billionaire's lifestyle, no matter how well the actual economy does.
5 0 Reply
It was pretty great until that catch phrase, which is the best example of "create a problem and be the solution".
2 0 ReplyScott
Once the orange fuck ass is gone we will be great again
1 0 ReplyNatakuNox
Depends... Are you white, male, wealthy, and can pretend to be a Christian?
2 1 Reply
9488fcea02a9 Drag queen reading a story to kids: wont someone PLEASE think of the children!!!
Shutting down school lunches and food supports for children: this is fine....
33 1 Replypzzzt Cause fuck kids once they're out of the womb.
27 0 Replyearphone843 Yes, they also want to do that.
7 0 Reply/home/pineapplelover Once you're born you're on your own
5 0 ReplyCitizenKong Which should come as no surprise, since he put kids in cages last time already.
These sociopaths have no empathy. None. They are literally inhuman in that way.
4 0 Reply
FabledAepitaph Can we also get rid of the 25mph school zone speed limits? Parents should be responsible for keeping their own kids safe, not the general public lmao.
13 0 Replydan1101
We have bad guys in the executive branch. I'm a taxpayer, I'd rather 100 kids get free food that don't "need" it than 1 kid go hungry. Feed the kids, it's basic humanity and it's not that hard.
12 0 ReplyCheeseToastie Yes exactly and it's CHILDREN FFS. How can anyone be against this
4 0 Reply
Log in | Sign up Starving the kids to own the libs
12 0 ReplyFenrirIII
It's going to hit poir people hardest, regardless of race. So maybe some leopards will eat well tonight.
4 0 Reply
xc2215x Quite a shameful move from him.
9 0 ReplyCriticalMiss Kids don’t vote so..
8 0 Replygreenfire
Stop feeding the damn billionaires
8 0 ReplyGeeDubHayduke RFKJr: "kids don't need measles vaccines, a well rounded meal is all it takes!"
Trump: "really? Let's just take all that food away, then."
4 0 Replysome_guy Children should go hungry. It builds character. /s
3 0 ReplyGeeDubHayduke If they don't want to starve, there's plenty of coal to mine...
1 0 Reply
Attention me!
1 0 Replyfrunch Is he trying out for DOGE?
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