The insane part is that he is doing this before the US has enough infastructure to support cutting this many trade ties with allies. The US is getting economically railed and the dumbass thinks we can just tough it out.
A normal leader would announce this in advance, start very small and increase this over a long time in a fixed pattern so everybody has time to adjust and build where needed.
I've already said this on Bluesky, but I'll say it again. He has such little self-awareness that he doesn't even properly consider why Canada is retaliating in the first place. He's like a little child stomping his feet because he can't get a can of pop.
The orange buffoon doesn't see the US isn't the only trading partner Canada and Mexico have. They've obviously prepared for this ever since he tried doing it during his last presidency. Maybe the pain he inflicted on average Americans will finally make them start mobilizing against him in even bigger protests.
I think propaganda will redirect this to notions of the rest of the world being nazi or communist and against the US and these (retaliatory) actions are proof of it. If a significant part of the working population can believe Trump's aim is to better their lives, and masks turn them Muslim and vaccines implant microchips then they can swallow the world being against them no problem. It will still do their lives unnecessary harm though, no matter what they take the cause to be. Perhaps terrible harm but frankly at this stage I do think they probably have it coming.
I really wish we had done more - when we realized they were bipolar during the first presidency, we had ~8 years to do more.
At the onset they were still 70% trade partner, with a target end of this year to drop it to 50%.
We should diversify more, and even when we all collectively get 4-8 years of increased stability back from the Americans, we should never fully revert back; it's not a problem they're going to be able to fix, especially when they take the Department of Education and eliminate it as waste.
Stay strong and hold the course. Citizens from all over the world should denounce the Republican party as the source of all this evil. Make their voices so loud the corporate owned media can't shout over the din. My stupid American counterparts need to learn Republicans should never hold the levers of power in this country again.