The United States experiences a brain drain and Trump’s death (all but inevitable in 10 years, whether by natural causes or other means), will cause a major rift in the Republican Party. Democrats will somehow fail to capitalize on it and then blame online leftists, famously the kingmakers of American politics.
Canada will become a de facto part of Europe. Bike lanes will be added.
Europe will experience an economic boom as it’s basically forced to develop new industries, becomes the default destination for scientific research, and the Euro begins to replace the dollar as the currency of choice for international trade contracts. France, especially, will benefit as it isn’t reliant on the U.S. for military support, space launch capabilities, etc. and will become the default NATO weapons supplier.
Russia will have a deep post-war depression even if it takes Kyiv due to brain drain and sending so many young men into a meat grinder.
China will have a medium-sized economic crisis but ultimately (after Xi) enact long needed reforms (kind of like when Mao died and Deng Xiaoping enacted reforms).
India will have a major crisis as Hindu Nationalism goes too far and people begin to revolt.
Central Asia will keep on keeping on. (I don’t know a lot about Central Asia.)
Latin America will increase trade with China and Europe at the expense of the United States. Bolsonaro will go to the hospital 50 more times and be bit by an even more exotic bird. Argentina will benefit most from the decline of the U.S. as a reliable trading partner.
Israel will annex the West Bank and Arab countries will isolate it. Saudi Arabia’s line city will still be in the planning stages. Iran will develop a nuclear deterrent but the power of the Supreme Leader will be weakened and shift to the elected officials because of economic problems.
The Maghreb will benefit from Europe’s rise and increased trade. West Africa will experience an economic and population boom and become an inexpensive manufacturing hub. The Horn of Africa will probably remain a shitshow (but hopefully I’m wrong about that). Central and Southern Africa will also experience significant growth but at a slower pace than West Africa.
Australia will lose another war with emus as New Zealand wisely allies with the Emus. They will force Australia into a humiliating peace deal that ultimately leads to a third Emu War, much like WWI’s onerous peace terms led to WWII.
Ocean acidification and rising sea levels will begin to fuck everyone and scientists will scream about it but it’ll be the following decades when that sort of thing really wrecks the world economy.
Nintendo will somehow sell me the same games for the 5th time.
As an Australian I will welcome our new emu overlords. I presume this will lead to some major social changes where men take on the primary role in childcare and where feather dusters become a status symbol.
America will suffer an economic depression and become more isolationist which will allow the depression to continue unabated. Millions die of starvation and exposure.
Yes, and as someone with a pricey cancer treatment at the moment which I can only afford due to Medicaid, there is a very good chance I will be one of them.
Ameriscum here. Trump starts a war to create plausibility for holding on to executive power past current term limits. Which has happened in American history. Not the starting part as an ends to a means though. I'm scared.
...When in American history did a president start a war in order to serve more than two terms?
45 men have served as President of the United States, two of them non-consecutively. The only one of them to serve more than two full terms was Franklin Delano Roosevelt from 1933 to 1945, being elected four times and dying in office. At the time, no term limits for President existed, and World War 2 was certainly not started by the United States.
Last sentence being: "not the starting the war part"
I was referring exactly to Roosevelt and didn't realize the term limit for presidents didn't exist then.
Again, I specifically said that about not starting a war but holding office indefinitely while a war was ongoing. Don't know how to quote on mobile but, again, last sentence of original post.
I've flirted with Linux off and on for 20 years, but MS forcing everyone to Win 11, stuffed with spyware, is the end of the road for me. Now on Linux full time. Linux isn't about to take over the desktop, but I can see Windows shedding a couple million users a year as enshittification continues.
Trump will die and a new religious movement declaring him to be divine will gain a significant foothold among people who call themselves Christians in the US.
I think Trump's loyalists are more after what he pretends to offer. As one uncle said, "He made me rich!" If you take away the potential earnings, there's not much to the guy but bullshit. Like, he's not even good looking enough to hang his portrait on a wall without getting tired of his face.
It will either be a civil war within the US but involving all of North America.
Or the literal 3rd world war. With usa and Russia fighting against Europe, where Canada is one of the main battleground.
I really wish I'm wrong, but I predicted drump's colonialist ambition over Canada years ago. I also remember being laugh at by everyone around the table at a diner for saying conservatives were making nazism acceptable again. Well guess what...
I'm no small-dicked overweight authoritarian dictator, but if I had to make guesses as to their thoughts, I'd say Putler was on the ropes last year, but since he managed to affect US elections enough that Trump won, Putler basically won.
Now unless Europe takes the agreession or at least strongly unifies behind Ukraine, Ukraine might be forced into some kind of deal. I don't belive they will go for any, so that's not gonna work from Putler, despite him making Trump push it.
But since Trump is actively burning down the US, I believe your assumption about a North-American war.
If that happens though, Europe will weaken, and Putler could decide to ally with Xi Pooh, and... I don't know who the fuck would stop them at that point.
But... if world order is already a bit fucked at that point I propose legalising drugs to make it an actually usable market which will generate wealth (and we should already but no-one listens), because drug markets are global, so then South America might actually start straightening itself out if the cartels could see reason. (They're brutal, but idk how many of them are actually ideologically fascist more than capitalist.)
I really wish I'm wrong, but I predicted drump's colonialist ambition over Canada years ago. I also remember being laugh at by everyone around the table at a diner so saying conservatives were making nazism acceptable again. Well guess what.
Me too man. I read an NBCNews article today about Greenland and the way it was written, oh boy. Putler has given Trump a little bit of friendly advise on what sort of propaganda to start spreading. Or Putler is doing it for Trump idk.
But it's clear they're trying to influence Greenland and eventually will support independence for it, so it'll become less stable and better to be annexed in some way or another, by either Putler or Trump.
The attacks on transgender people will spread to the rest of the LGBTQ community, then the disabled, then immigrants, then Jewish people, and so on. Because first they came for the transgender people and we didn't speak out.
Fediverse will be regulated by law or some nonsense, making it exactly like the centralized platforms.
President Elon Musk serves half of his third term as permanent president of the United States. All public transit and bike lanes are abolished in favor of cars, and many people go broke after losing their jobs after being unable to afford to make it to work. Inflation is at an all time high with everyone being nostalgic about today's prices where everything is still affordable. He also makes it illegal to be transgender. We go back to democracy when some rando who deliberately changed their name to a Mario character assassinates Musk.
The next smash cuts a character everyone loves but also has the three house leaders.
The International Brotherhood of Teamsters conveniently forgot about Amazon.
Reddit shuts down or lives on as a husk like 𝕏. Or even better, Elon buys reddit, calls it 𝕏 Communities and throws out brand materials like "subreddit" in favor of generic "community". Place becomes 𝕏 Draw and is only powered by AI image generators. Each pixel costs one dogecoin and users generate ai images at the resolution of the pixels they own.
The attacks on transgender people will spread to the rest of the LGBTQ community, then the disabled, then immigrants, then Jewish people, and so on. Because first they came for the transgender people and we didn't speak out.
I think it's already done spread, this is not a "in the next ten years" situation. They're speedrunning it.
The today's "brave new world" will start turning into Orwellian Big Brother society. It's already happening. Of course neither option is great but I prefer drugs, orgies and idiots to surveillance, absolute police state and slaves/prisoners.
It's inadvisable to think about people being after you, "how would I hide," etc...but if you give it a thought or two, you might realize it would already be very, very, very difficult to escape nearly omnipresent surveillance. You just need to put one or two headlines together...
"Google Tracking Your Phone Even Before You Open App/Potentially Even When Phone is Off"
"DOGE Has Gained Access to Americans' Private Data"
Etc... We let it sneak up on us and we're going to find it's seemingly all there at once.
In Finland the Police has been demanding full access to fingerprints originally gathered for passports and IDs (of around three million citizens) which means that the police could use them for other than their intended purposes. AND it looks like the police is finally going to have their way in this matter. This is how a police state is build, one step at a time until it's too late to complain.
I choose to interpret this as "Barely a handful of people survived WW3, and only because they were protected from the radiation deep in their basement server rooms."
(No hate, I heart less than three 🐧)
Major roadblocks to piracy and porn in the US. Piracy will never be eliminated, but the barrier to entry will become too difficult for most folks. I've subsequently been hoarding all of the media I can get my hands on in case this happens - I refuse to pay for 20 streaming services just to watch movies and TV.
something I don't understand about piracy is,
if you torrent to get rid of centralization, why have all the torrents saved on one website that can be taken down? Wouldn't it be better to have them all on a torrented .html file or sthm?
It will take more than 10 yrs to repair the damage being done to our gov.
I wonder if we'll ever see amendments to the constitution, it has been a long time. I'd like to see corporations declared to not have rights as if they were citizens.
USA brain drain. Seriously, most of my friends in academia are trying to GTFO because they know they're lucky to have the credentials and money to do it.
It already feels overdue considering drones are quite popular for drug drops, even directly to prisons. Once some big events happen like high profile assassination, terrorist attack ir even something menial it'll be game over for free flying.
Having a drone is such an eye opener tho and I really recommend getting one before it becomes too complicated to own one. Seeing your environment from 100 meters up is such a perspective change. Taking a drone on a road trip and thinking "I wonder what's behind that boulder there" and actually being able to find out is a very grounding experience :)
"Saltwater Intrusion" is going to become a fairly common story in coastal areas in a few years, to the point it becomes normal. The way everyone has just accepted fire season in the western US.
Which, in turn, will bring more and more shady water-rights selloffs and thefts, main affecting marginalized communities.
Saltwater went further up the Mississippi than ever last year? If not a record, it was close enough.
For those that haven't lived a major hurricane, floods and winds slinging salt inland is bad mojo. Issues last for decades, even given an ecosystem that can handle the occasional shock.
I think they mean all Google docs gone unless we buy a $1,000.00 per month subscription, or something.
We see that kind of massive price shift in business to business contracts all the time.
Someone is bound to try it on regular consumers, and Google currently has the most leverage.
In fairness to Google, they actually have better data export tools than most of their competitors... At least today.
That said, not my prediction, I don't think it'll happen in ten years. I do think someone will try it. My money was on Evernote, but I think their best opportunity passed already.
but are holding on as long as their power grids do.
This is a big thing. Where I live, there's long stretches of time where the temperature differential inside vs. out might average 50C. That might be hard to imagine if you're not in a place like this, but it's totally possible to live somewhere hostile to life with the right technology.
To be fair, the laws of thermodynamics are working against you if it's hotter outside. Heat can't really be destroyed very easily, only moved. AC units are universal in the US, but aren't a good solution in the third world, and if something happens to them you're in a much scarier situation than just having to bundle up and drain your pipes. Still, I expect the trend towards overly hot places like Arizona growing will continue.
I understand it is normal human behavior to focus on negative things and an evolved survival trait. But it is kind of sad that no answers have any positive thoughts about the future. So I will try one:
Computer and robotic technology will improve and get cheaper. It will become feasible for home bound people to be able to have some sort of participation in society through telepresence.
Peak human population will occur within the next ten years. Previously this was driven by falling birth rates. Now it will be driven by rapidly rising death rates. Within the next ten years, I think 300 million - 1 billion dead from starvation due to bread basket collapse is a conservative estimate.
Look, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but don't kill the messenger. The media does a piss-poor job of really nailing home to people the short and medium term impacts of climate change.
Did you know that in the last 15 years, global farm yields per acre have been flat? This is despite miraculous improvements in farming technology. Genetic engineering, farm automation, finance markets extending industrial agriculture to underdeveloped countries, satellite planning, innumerable tools and techniques.
Our global average farm yield per hectare should be soaring. Instead, it's been flat. We're swimming against the current, above a giant waterfall. All our advancements in farming technology are going into keeping us one step ahead of mass famine.
It's been projected by insurance industry studies that if we hit +3C above preindustrial levels, that would correspond to a halving of the global human population. And with how fast climate change is accelerating beyond our previous overly conservative models, that could easily happen by 2050.
Again, the media has done an absolute shit job of explaining the perils of climate change to people. You think grocery prices are bad now? You haven't seen ANYTHING. This is NOTHING compared to what is coming. The real danger of climate change isn't slow sea rise or even wildfires. The real danger is the fact that at any given time, the planet only has a few weeks of food reserves stored up. We need to continuously make enough food to feed 8 billion humans. And if climate change causes multiple simultaneous bread basket failures? If we don't make enough food for 8 billion humans? Well, quite quickly we will not have 8 billion humans anymore.
If you really want to understand the magnitude of the climate catastrophe, I suggest conceptualizing it in terms of wars. All of the fervent efforts in government and the private sector are trying to address climate change? All of them are trying to constrain the casaulties over the next few decades, to merely WW2-level casualties. We're already going to face that; that's already locked in. We've already guaranteed a loss of life on the scale of the Second World War. We're trying to keep the casualties from spiraling up to "global thermonuclear war" levels of destruction.
Because the climate is becoming hotter, wetter, and highly unpredictable.
The surveillance of chats and the prohibition of encryption in many Western countries must have a purpose. It mostly makes sense if democracy is dismantled.
Since the West doesn't show signs of sharing resources voluntarily, my prediction is that the West is willing to fight a nuclear war to preserve its lead which cannot happen in a democracy.
Without that war, Asia will take over as the center of commerce and innovation. The brightest will move there, which means that the remaining people in the West have to be innovative without the main ingredience for innovation.
I'll go with Hanlon's razor there. The cops and politicians don't really understand the magic boxes, let alone the game theory of adversarial uses layered on top of them. People use the boxes for bad things, they say just add a way to stop them, EZ. (Of course, we can't and it's not)
Since the West doesn’t show signs of sharing resources voluntarily
Which resources? The "only" tangible advantage the West actually has is strong institutions, and to a much lesser degree momentum. The science behind the technology is free for anyone to learn - even in excruciating detail if you go looking - and natural resources are actually less depleted in poor countries at this point.
If China escalates to cause war in Asia when other countries are sufficiently pissed off by them trying to steal territory and harass others non-stop, then that plus a potential Chinese real estate market collapse could cause pretty serious problems in the region.
I just started getting into github projects, and have learned a few things. Like windows and linux can be ran on the same operating system (called wsl) for free and already built in windows. It is pretty useful for developer projects. The point being, there is a good chunk of gamers that are tech savy. Learning linux is not that hard especially with no barriers to entry.
Windows 10 has INCREASED in popularity more than windows 11 compared to last year for steam users. Since Windows 10 will be officially discontinued in a year, that is actually bonkers. This shows that people (gamers) are getting tired of making unnecessary changes/updates to things that aren't broken and work fine.
Linux is a free option for that. BUT.... until you can play all steam game son linux, the switch won't happen. The linux popularity will only increase once games can be run on it. Then, the gamers will teach their families how to use linux, which won't be hard, because distros like Ubuntu are already user friendly (Macs are also based off linux as well). It has desktop, file exploration, browsers, etc.
Since most people just use their computers for work, email, social media, streaming, etc., there is actually no reason for people not to use linux really. The only reason they haven't is because they are not per-installed on computers and windows is already 'free'.
Depends on the "average" person
You are allowed to stop reading at any point!
if one only uses the browser anyway why not use an os that is easy to install, gets updates for like forever, can run on a potato and just works
it supports more hardware (especially that it does not require tpm) making it cheaper when choosing used hardware + is more resource efficient
It has no ads build in
being able to drag games fullscreen from one desktop to another with windows key* pressed and mouse drag (at least arch + plasma)
users being able to choose their own difficulty from easy and less flexible (mint) to specific (bazzite, looks like a games console but for steam) to advanced (arch) and further
no account needed to use it (+ no nag screens except maybe on install but way less than windows)
able to be installed on a USB stick and be used on every pc that lets you boot from it, can even be tested without install
Installing software is much easier and safer as one does not need to visit some website to download an exe but only needs to open the program store or look up the name and then simply copy paste something in the console and press enter
a lot can be updated at once, not only the system but programs as well with one simple command (or the update button in discover or something like that)
*dont really know how else to call it XD
gamer -> proton works wonderful to emulate win games that have no intrusive anticheat (protondb is your friend)
office -> open office or if they want a more ms office thing Softmaker (but its paid & some things are not supported, has no subscription options tho)
artist -> gimp and krita are your friends
cons (to be a bit fair):
some things (like how to download programs) can be massively inconsistent between platforms (glancing at ubuntu)
its not windows and will never be so it can be challenging to adapt (like using the console or installing programs)
MS office is not native to linux and needs compatibility layers (like proton or wine) or even a VM
could be a hassle for students or workers where MS software is required
Sorry for the dump, i am not sure if i properly answered your question or you got what you wanted to know
Computers have to store time somewhere and the unix timestamp needs on 19 january 2038 more storage than the commonly used data type offers. Then it returns to the first possible date possible -> 13 December 1901
Imagine wanting to make an appointment for the 20 jan 2038 and then it says "could not make an appointment on 14 dec 1901"
it would be funny or annoying for us but be a big problem in bank/transaction systems
Some systems are prepared but the problems are systems that cant be updated
Radio music will be almost entirely AI generated by 2035.
I am faithful that humans will continue to be the primary composers, performers, and tastemakers of music even when AI tools are involved, because music is simply fun to do for people who do it. I know I'm simply not interested in giving up my passion even though an AI could do it, and I think most musicians are with me on that. We do it because it is worth doing.
But as far as radio pop music is concerned, I think that listeners will eventually be conditioned to prefer "better than real" (but really more polished than real life) music, just like we have with modern record production, particularly auto-tune, drum sample replacement/augmentation, vocaloids, virtual analog plugin software, compression and saturation, and sample-based electronic music. And once that happens, it'll be cheaper and more predictable to ask an AI to spit out a song than to pay human producers to do it.
definitely, i tested generating a song with random letter mess as "lyrics" and it sounded quite good to my ear.
Then again I dont really listen to music actively so maybe I just can't tell all the crap from it like how some other people fall in love with ai chatbots because they dont know any better either.
At least with Vocaloid, all the voice actors(?)/singers(?)/providers(?) consent* to having their voices used for these voicebanks and aren't being duped into making a VB. At least I hope they aren't.
Also, there is a lot of human work put into making a vocaloid song, which will be something AI pop slop on the radio will have done everything they can to try to cut out to save money.
North Korea taking over South Korea sounds as absurd to me as Jamaica taking over the US.
The closest to "taking over" SK would be if they started dropping nukes and didn't actually want the land/resources/businesses/money and also didn't care about retaliation from allies...
Humanity globally shifts to an economic system of guarantees instead of our current extortional approach as we aknowledge we are already in a post scarcity world and work to fix distribution chains of human needs.
Either that or the corporate elites start a literal apocalypse so they don't have to work a fucking job like the rest of us.
The United States of America will become Ununited. A group of states will break away and wall themselves off from the rest of the country, creating their own Trump worshipping society. They will create their own version of utopia and tell stories about how the rest of the world is going to die off because they will make everyone transgender and have no more children. The rest of the world will rejoice and join together in actually fixing climate change, eradicate poverty and spread the Eurovision worldwide.
In 100 more years the walled off states will emerge to repopulate what they expect to be an empty planet with their own eugenically created race of clones and finally realise that they were completely and utterly wrong.
We really should have let the south go long ago. Next time they rise up, we should wish them well and cut them loose. And whether they want to go or not, texas and florida need to go too. We can give florida to cuba if nothing else, and texas properly belongs to mexico, if they will take it. And Alaska should go to Canada.
So, The Handmaid’s Tale. I’m believing in that one as well and said it many times during the last decade, but I believe it will end like in the movie Civil War. Although I also believe the world will strive without the US, creating new green tech and be centered around Europe, Asia and LATAM being friends and trade partners.
The rest of the world will rejoice and join together in actually fixing climate change
That won't work, mainly because that walled-off Trumpland would deliberately 'roll coal' enough to offset the rest of the world's improvements. They'd eventually be forced to invade and put it down like a rabid dog.
The population drop due to all the diseases running rampant while they refuse vaccination, masks or any sort of social distancing kill off enough that their overall energy use is still quite low.
Following the path of other regimes around the world, the USA builds their own "great firewall", segmenting most people here away from the global internet. At around the same time, personal VPNs become explicitly illegal. We might also see the government seize control of at least one certificate registrar, if they don't fire up their own, thereby "owning" TLS online.
On the upside, there's a chance we will see more grass-roots efforts to reboot a lot of institutions that were co-opted by the rich. You're just never going to hear about that through conventional channels. For instance: local newspapers with real journalism behind them. Or more small businesses with the intent to last, rather than sell. It's possible that more of those things will be co-ops, union shops, or even Mondragon inspired. Either way, there's a path forward for more community, real communication, and eventual prosperity, provided folks keep their heads and take things offline where necessary.
I just call it what it is. All those you say are attributed to the president's policies.
So maybe I'm also calling that too.
I've heard the Bush recession a few. I've also heard it called the Obama recession from some obvious bootlickers trying to rewrite history but that don't make sense since Obama administration reversed it.
AI is going to replace a lot of peoples jobs and no real government is prepared for the aftermath.
Something like Detroit beyond human where AI is causing massive unemployment and real humans are really suffering. While the super rich are in lofts doing their own thing.
Its not all bad, Ive heard some short stories on the importance of open source and manufacturing your own thing. Theres stories on communities banding together in such times and rejecting that which makes the rich richer. But I personally think it will be far and in between. People have to want to change, and I just dont see it happening.
They can try, but they don't really have the massive advantages there. With oil they basically get >1000% margins because it's just there and ready to be tapped, and their whole societal structure is based around spending that money like it's water.
I know some petrochemical engineers, analysts, and a tribologist. I asked them about exactly this. Their responses, to a one, is: the oil will not run out; it will just become too expensive to extract. Now, I'm just some jerkwad on the internet, and my anecdote is only that.
Yep. There's a lot more oil in the ground than oil we could pull out at today's prices with today's technology. And then with competition from cheaper renewables you have the question of if prices can stay this high forever, or if demand will go down sharply while the supply remains.
The end result is still that you get a peak oil production at some point, though.
As far as I can tell, the contingency plan is to continue pushing places like Dubai as a tourist destination and business hub. And, honestly, as long as that place continues to function as a major regional air-traffic hub, that might actually work.
I finally create my first ever original song using something like Vocaloid or UTAU. Would absolutely prefer Vocaloid because I tried v6 once and it was so much nicer than UTAU/OpenUTAU and so much easier.
I actually finish a Wattpad series I started instead of letting it rot after I lose interest.
Pokémon Empire (my absolute favorite fan game, just below Uranium) doesn't get nuked by Sintendo.
The devs still working on Uranium finish the post game and let you capture the legendaries mentioned in the Tsukiyomi village museum(?).
I finally get the remaining books in the Bakuman manga series and actually read the whole series. I've got the first 9 volumes, so I should hopefully be done at some point before the end of the decade, assuming my favorite place to go for used manga has the other 11 volumes at some point or doesn't close down.
Communicating with AI becomes indistinguishable from human contact, unless it's face-to-face. While promising to solve the loneliness epidemic and provide safe and effective therapy for anyone who wants it, it also unleashes a torrent of convincing AI propaganda. Technocrats using AI and charismatic humans as useful idiots and a front, effectively rule the world. Most people are poor and go hungry, but resistance is futile. There is no safe way to communicate except meeting in person, and there are few safe spaces to even meet that aren't under constant surveillance. Organizing any resistance is incredibly difficult, if not hopeless. Truth is no more.
We'll have reduced the human body to basically just another machine and will be in the process of reverse-engineering it. So many new techniques and sources of data have come online all at the same time in biology.
This is in contrast to the current situation where we know a few things about select parts of the body in isolation.
It's bound to happen in one way or another. I'd put that more than a decade out, though. Providing a nutritionally appropriate blood supply is a deal-killer for existing muscle tissues, and you can't really design artificial bloodless muscles until the reverse engineering is done.
We might have de-novo cultivated crops ready to commercialise by 2035 (that's wild plants genetically engineered to be commercially useful).
-The internet will become something only old people use and will fill up with old people like radio and TV before it. Something new will be the hip new thing that kids use/consume, though it technically could be considered the internet
-Coal power plants will be phased out entirely in U.S.A. with some taking credit and others morning the loss of a purely economic conversion over to natural gas power. It will look like it is solar's time to shine, but a "new" way of generating power which is cheaper and slightly cleaner will take over and slowly convert natural gas plants to whatever it is.
-There will be a detracted argument over whether or not what comes after current gen-AI is considered sapient and worthy of rights. While the debate will be straightforward in a vacuum, other semi-related topics will mix in including: the rich wanting their AI doppelgangers to keep control of the money/power they earned during life; something to do with sex and/or relationships because of course there will be; religious opposition until the poll numbers swap, then there will be some regions that view AI rights a helping the disadvantaged
-A young politician from the democrats will get elected on the back of anti-Trump hate. They will have in their first two years theoretically enough support to pass substantial legislation, but will be stopped by a small number of conservative democrats from doing anything substantial save for maybe one big accomplishment. They will loose the 2030 midterms to a bunch of republicans and a "grass-roots" organization that is paid for by rich business owners, but will come back to win the 2032 election against a rich republican from New England. However, they won't have control over the congress and by 2035 will be a lame duck.
-Someone will scrap NASA's current human space flight plans to promote their own plan, which in itself will be scrapped when a new administration comes in. By 2035, articles will be printing "it is a shame that no real current alive human has stepped foot on the moon", taking a subtle dig at China's AI-human that is currently building structures on the moon.
someone will scrap NASAs current human space flight plans to promote their own plan, which in itself will be scrapped when a new administration comes in
Kinda like how each administration switches if we are going to Mars or the Moon next based purely on what the previous guy said haha
The United States will no longer be a member of NATO or the United Nations or both. The US is being labeled as an adversary by Germany, so in 10 years, the United States may very well lose half of it's allies because of these 4 years we're enduring.
Russia could still lose it's war with Ukraine and may have lost because of the combined efforts of the EU since the US 10 years ago (accounting the time scale) has abandoned Ukraine. Russia and the United States could very well be allies by this point which would make the world arm themselves since we're seeing countries retaliate in trade wars.
Inflation in 10 years will be the new norm because no politician, Democrat or Republican, can't ever get their marbles of a grasp on holding corporations accountable.
Speaking of Corporations, in 10 years, they would've sucked dry and owned well over every important asset, service and many acquisitions along the way. We would have to make the term 'Megacorp' to identify these corporations by.
wages so low / cost of living so high that people can't pay for bread with their wages, making subsidies / universal basic income a necessity.
US goes on the brink of a civil war before the rich agree to pay for said subsidies, probably some people die because of it.
US slides into a mixture of tech-authoritarianism/fascism
martian settlement/research makes surprisingly fast progress, with wide bi-partisan support because people realize it's actually a good idea for everyone, creating demand for human labor and driving up the wages.
China has the manufacturing capacity and manpower to challenge the increasingly inefficient American military in a protracted war of attrition. Assuming the nukes don’t drop.
China will overtake US as the dominant economic power, exert their influence on neighbouring regions and get more push back than it thought (similar to Russia).
The world will fracture into different regions with different day to day life (even more so).
US will become the wild Wild West where everything goes in the right state.
Canada and Europe (western not Eastern) will stay put in terms of peace, but they will no longer have “the best standard of living”.
Africa will get abused by China and become the next China.
Australia will be like, wtf mate, but they’ll be dead soon… stupid kangaroos.
A Tsunami of unprecedented size will completely destroy a coastal metropolis.
A heat wave in the middle east will leave hundreds dead in the first recorded wet bulb event.
In September 2035, the Arctic will be completely ice-free for the very first time, 15 years ahead of predictions.
Around that time, the first commercial shipping route along the north-western passage will open.
One of the first container ships will run onto a naval mine and sink, killing all hands. Russia will deny any involvement.
Syria just had a half a 9/11 over the weekend with an estimated 1,300 people killed, mostly civilians as revenge. They pulled people into the street and executed them and robbed their family members who witnessed their loved ones die.
I predict something similar will happen in the U.S. in the next few years as white supremisist militias grow.
But it won't be a nuclear war that ends the world. (un?)fortunately. -- Nuclear war doesn't benefit the elites -- Instead it will be a jillion proxy skirmishes all over the developing world, as countries get puppeteered by Russia/China/USA into fighting their battles, and said countries get 'support' in the form of weapons and training that will breed a whole new generation of extremist regimes and terrorists.
In the end, we'll be back to the same ol' same ol' -- Life gets shittier for everyone in a gradual, painful, tedious way.