I don't know why octopus posted that or how it has the most votes, because you didn't post a reddit link. I am using the Voyager app and I can see the image.
I know very little about gay rights history in the US but in a quick search I learned that the supreme court case that made same sex marriage legal was put forth by a Democrat.
Another thing is that I'm under the impression that the Replublican party is very much a Religeous party that does not reconize anything outside Men-Women relations. I'm always confused to hear about gay Republicans.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you can't be half as confused as they must be... 🤣😂 I mean, maybe I'm misremembering things here, but I feel like the GOP-at-large just recently (like within the last decade?) stopped publicly referring to homosexuality/homosexuals as 'an abomination,' which even then kinda felt like a begrudgingly made concession of necessity at best... No?
I'm not gonna lie, I'm more than a little shocked at this point everytime Trump mentions someone being "BL-A-ack." I keep waiting for him to shift into full Dementia Don mode and just drop some hard Rs
They almost immediately switched to attacking trans people. They must be able to focus on some external group as being The Enemy, but they took a sudden loss on gay rights and they saw how deeply unpopular their position really was. Immediate switch to talking about bathroom bans and women's sports. They even peeled off a section of the gay/lesbian community over this.
The issues with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log_Cabin_Republicans seem similar to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews, being gay isn't a character trait, it's a sexuality and its stands to reason that lots (although a minority) of gay people are generally conservative when it comes to every other issue than gay rights. And they deceive themselves into the idea that they can be "one of the good ones" and either that the party has already, or that they will move the party towards an accepting attitude.
LCR president Greg Angelo described the "preservation of LGBT rights and support for the LGBT community" as hallmarks of Donald Trump's 2016 Presidential campaign, and asserted that support would continue during his presidency.
Talking to Republican acquaintances who have lost their jobs to musk, they all say similar ideas. "I'm team Republican, so I voted R. Couldn't let the Ds win. They are the like our division rivals". Its literally a game to them, and election day is their Superbowl.
the greatest con ever played on the public was convincing tens of millions of Americans that their civil rights were a game to them. Normalizing an attitude of “we might loose, but they won’t win either”.
Us vs Them isn’t red vs blue, it’s the rich donors vs their productive workers. The vast majority of Republicans and Democrats are actually on the same “side.”
Developing class consciousness is one of the few ways out of this mess.
Most hilarious example of this is Alex Jones, who now has everything he screamed for for 30+ years and now doesnt know what to do with his show. He is now forced to support every idea that he preached was reprehensible all that time.
Fun facts: The 2nd amendment was created before bullets let alone bump stocks. Kamala was a gun owner. Trump isn’t allowed to own one because he’s a convicted rapist.
Im pro 2ndA Democrat as well but this who thing is pretty damning proof that there is no need for guns because we Wouldn't use them anyways.
But damn guns are fun to shoot... But im not sure the pros outweigh the cons anymore since the biggest pro seems to be a lie and the biggest con is how many of us die needlessly to them.
Which is why, while I do vote democrat, I am not a democrat. Their interests are more aligned with mine than the republicans, even though they might as well both be on the god damn moon.
People identifying so strongly with some political party like this is so weird and disgusting, regardless of party.
In Europe, where there's typically way more choice, the candidate I usually end up voting for isn't necessarily the greatest. It's the least bad realistic choice available. Because that's how democracy works, there aren't great candidates anyway. Just vaguely better choices.
It’s everywhere. Portuguese here and I tell you, I can’t remember the last election I voted for who I actually wanted. Now is just the neo nazis pushing and people like me voting for the lesser evil because if we don’t we are screwed.
Oh yeah? Well you say that because your team is shit!My team is a multiple-time genocide winner, and went several times in the finals for racism and segregation and is probably still one of the best for transphoby, homophoby and misogyny. Go fascists!
White gay man doesn't believe he's part of the LGBTQ+ community anymore because he sees people like him on TV... He's just now realizing that his buddies would rather not see people like him on TV.
Everyone who supports authoritarianism thinks they're going to be the exception. They can see other people who their politics denigrates as outsiders easily, but they could never be outsiders because they're them and they buy into the bullying. They think signalling that they're on board with mistreating other people will protect them from being mistreated, but all it does in reality is create a society where no one is safe.
Even the powerful people who buy into this thinking will find that it bites them in the ass eventually. They may be late on the list, but they're still on the list. Eventually either the ever-shrinking circle of "insiders" will exclude them, or they'll be in the last in-group once they've alienated the rest of society and put their own safety at risk. Every dictator is terrified of this, because they've seen how it plays out. They're just gambling that it won't happen to them, but eventually the mob will come. The best they can hope for is to delay it as long as possible.
But queer Republicans? Republicans of color? Disabled Republicans? Republican women even? They're on the chopping block from the start and are only surrounding themselves with the people who want to diminish them while alienating anyone who might genuinely want to help.
All the more reason they can't look directly at it. They think if they don't make eye contact or try to fight back or run, the predator won't come for them. They couldn't be more wrong.
What a useful fucking idiot of a dumpster fire. You’re gay and vote for the guy who wants you to lose rights? Either you’re a complete fucking idiot, or you’re a psychopath who’s also a complete fucking idiot.
So many “gays” were pro trump over at askgaybros. Now they post in gay conservative and gaslight each other.
It's a tale as old as time. They don't see themselves as the 'bad' gays or Jews or whatever that their leaders and other Republicans/Torys/Religions etc hate. They think they'll be spared because they're special. All the way to the camps they believe this.
I think that probably would've sufficed. Even the Republicans shun gay Republicans because they don't want them to exist. Gay Republicans are like the most baffling thing to me. Like a Jewish Nazi.
There were always Jewish Nazis, or at least enablers. They're called Kapo, which is one of the most insulting words a Jew can call another. When Bergen-Belsen was liberated, the prisoners turned on the Kapos, and lynched 170 of them on the spot.
One of HitlerPig's closest and most loyal advisors is one: Kapo Stephen "PeeWee Himmler" Miller.
Perhaps we should extend the meaning to include gay Republicans, or at least gay MAGAs.
Education is really lacking. LGBT+ Republicans are some of the stupidest, most selfish, and downright deplorable people in conservative circles. They post these goofy ass posts like this as if they should be immune from the issues everyone else in our community is fighting to protect. "New" Conservative movement my ass that would defeat the point of conservatives.
Acting like these people aren't trying to destroy the efforts of progressives from the last 50+ years because that is the "Great" in MAGA would be hilarious if it wasn't pathetic. I get that these people are emotional and political masochists but they need to take it home.
When I was younger, I thought conservativism was just for people who are like "literally don't change anything, keep everything like how it is" I have realized that this is not true, it's all about regressing, they're all regressionists.
This fucktard doesn't realize that they're only allowing him to be a part of the club because for now, he's useful to them, perhaps influencing right leaning minorities and queers to join in and help their own slaughter.
These guys are no different from the Jews for Hitler party
Being a republican is about easy solutions and never accepting responsibility. Everything is someone else's fault and the solution to any infinitely complex problem is super easy, tax cuts.
These are Cipolla's five fundamental laws of stupidity:
1.Always and inevitably, everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.
2.The probability that a certain person (will) be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person.
3.A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses
4.Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular, non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places, and under any circumstances, to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake.
5.A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person.
What's interesting is that Democratic and Republican voters look at these two parties and somehow, after the last 40 years of wealth transferring upward, manage not to notice the billionaires behind both of them.
No one cares about your unique social characteristics or what demographics you fall into. They care about finding that sweet spot where you will work yourself to death but not come up behind them on a NYC street and communicate your displeasure with a bullet.
It's ironic that the gay community was making so much more progress forward back when everyone was just 'gay' and way less intent on subdividing themselves.
They claimed to accept black people way before you, and they didn't (look at the sieg heils and white supremacy claims). They only pretended to accept gay people recently, and you thought this was serious?
Same sex marriage was such a good example of democracy working. MA stood alone, defiant and proud, for years. Then some of the neighboring states went "You know what? They didn't get smote with fire and brimstone. Maybe I can do that too."
Only 10 years after Massachusetts took the first step, it was growing past the recently blue states as voters came around to accepting it, and if it had another 5 years, we would've been taking would-be holdouts like Texas.
That process was cut short, but I haven't seen any polling that suggests we're not still collectively sliding that direction, so even if the supreme court reverses Obergefell v. Hodges, I don't think there's popular support for bans this time.
But they already exist. My state constitution has a prohibition on recognition of gay marriages. These laws won't stay nullified and have to be reestablished. And much like we see with abortion they're going to next go for a nationwide ban.
Its Regression not conservatism. Quit calling it that. There is nothing wrong with a conservative outlook. The maga don't have a conservative outlook. They have a regressive one.
There is nothing wrong with a conservative outlook.
When you're living in comfort and you benefit from the status quo and you prize stability over the perceived benefits of change, there's an argument for a conservative outlook.
But I've been living under Conservative governance in my home state of Texas for forty years. The pattern of police enforced racial castes, privatization of public institutions, and ecologically unsustainable consumption has been ongoing for my entire life. This is what conservatives are fighting to defend. Misogyny. Supremacy. Homogeneity. A wild imbalance in economic opportunity. Its too late to try and rebrand this as "bad" conservatism.
Trump's policies are more extreme than what came before, but the impulses remain the same. It is the composition of American elites that has changed.
The maga don’t have a conservative outlook.
The Red Hats are the children of Goldwater/Reagan and they are shepherding Paleoconservative Libertarianism to its logical end game. They were raised to believe in Galt's Gulch and Friedman's free market fetishism. They were raised to believe in Evangelical Christianity and Christian Dominionism. They were raised to believe in winning the Cold War at all costs.
And what they're doing has plenty of historic parallels - from Nixon's War on Crime to Eisenhower's Operation Wetback to McKinley's Jim Crow. They're White Nationalists embracing White Nationalism, on the belief that the Peace Dividend they reaped in the 90s was a Heavenly Mandate to Do As Thou Wilt. If you carve off all the QAnon cultism and bigotry, what you've got are a bunch of Gen X and Y folks who are fighting to preserve the segregation and the implicit international hegemony they enjoyed when the Iron Curtain fell and America was the uncontested global superpower.
It is conservatism in root and branch. A philosophy flailing in the face of a diminished empire to preserve the icons of prosperity their elders once enjoyed.
Conservatism is as broad of a term as liberalism. That said, there is a brand of conservatism that do support progress, but wants to do so in an incrementalist way, which is basically the Democratic Party now that I think about it.
There's a continuum between nothing ever changes ever, and through away everything and start again from scratch. In practice, actual little-c conservatives are often called incrementalists, because no one is all the way to one end of the spectrum.
The point here is that Conversatism is not actually a conservative ideology. They actually want to change a lot. In fact, the current administration might be the least conservative one we've had. They are much more in the "move fast and break things" camp, which is at the opposite end of the spectrum.
I think what happened with conservative movements, is they tend to adopt genuinely conservative positions. But then as the world changes around them they are conservative in updateing their positions, so end up having a collection of regressive positions.
The actual conservatives in America's current political environment is the conservative wing of the Democratic party.
If someone becomes a conservative in 1995, they want to conserve the current state of society, no? Since society has progressed to a different state in those 30 years, does that not mean this person would want to regress back to the 1995 version? Conservativism is just delayed regressivism.
This will be the first guy to leave Republicans for being anti-gay. Alone in a sea of sieg-heiling nazis that shaved their heads because of feminist criticism of videogames.
This asshole will be trying to explain to the guards that he voted for Trump and not like these groomers as he's loaded onto the next bus headed for the camps.
[Scene opens on a wide, desolate savanna at dusk. The camera slowly pans over a leopard lying under a tree, its large body barely able to move. The sun is setting, casting a cold, dim light over the scene. Soft wind rustles through the dry grass. The leopard’s eyes are dull, its breathing labored.]
Narrator (soft, somber voice):
In the wild, leopards are meant to stalk, to hunt, to climb. But for some, this is no longer possible. These are the leopards of the forgotten savanna... the ones who can no longer live the life they were born to lead.
[Cut to a close-up of another leopard, this one lying next to a watering hole, panting heavily. The camera lingers on its enormous, bloated body, its paws barely able to reach the ground. The leopard’s eyes seem vacant, devoid of the wild spark they once had.]
Overfed and unable to move, these leopards have been left to a slow, painful existence. They can no longer hunt their prey, no longer climb the trees to escape danger, no longer feel the thrill of the chase. They are trapped in their own bodies.
[Cue the soft, mournful opening chords of "Angel" by Sarah McLachlan. The camera slowly pans over a third leopard, sluggishly trying to rise, but its massive weight prevents it from standing. It lets out a heavy sigh, its once-strong legs buckling beneath it.]
They are the forgotten victims of a world that has abandoned them. Too fat to run, too weak to fight... These leopards are slowly fading, one breath at a time. They need your help.
[Cut to a shot of a leopard staring out over the savanna. The camera lingers on its face, eyes half-closed, its expression one of quiet resignation.]
For just $3 a day, you can provide the care and support these leopards so desperately need. A donation will help give them the chance to live a life of dignity. Help them find their way back to the wild they were meant to roam.
[The music swells as the camera fades to black, and the words "Your donation can make a difference" appear in white text on the screen.]
Narrator (whispering):
Please, don’t let them suffer in silence. The time to act is now.
[The music fades out, and the SPCA logo appears in the corner, along with a toll-free number and website for donations.]
This is what you get when you have such a polarised electoral system. People treat the parties like sport teams and support them no matter what. So they vote against their own interests because they believe they should never vote for the other side.
1/3 of people dont even vote in the US because there is no real choice.
Its amazing how often you see people aggressively defending the democrats purely on the basis that they're not the republicans. Even criticising the dems is framed as being pro Republican which is crazy. Both parties are shit, both have sewn up the US electoral system between them and keep everyone else out at all levels.
And during elections that opinion gets shut down and people become complicit with the system. "Voting for a 3rd party is a wasted vote" etc.
The idea that voters should be registered as democrat PR Republican is also crazy - it's like supporting a party is part of someone identity which is weird.
The only way out is wholesale reform of the system and I don't see either party offering that. A 3rd party could try and build from the bottom up and dismantle the two parties powerbase but it doesn't seem to be happening.
So maybe it'll be revolution when a party pushes people too far? Though Americans seem willing to tolerate an awful lot of shit without doing anything at all.
1/3 of people dont even vote in the US because there is no real choice.
If you're not conviced by the last . . . eight weeks . . . that that's absolutely not true, I don't know what to tell you. If you're under 24 then that's because the adulting hasn't kicked in full-time, but other than that, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Exactly. People who genuinely say there is no difference are either so privileged that they genuinely feel no difference, or are too young to experience the differences.
This being said I suspect that a good amount of people who say there is no difference are accelerationist bad actors who just have no empathy.
South Park centrism is definitely something I had to grow out of, but it took a lot of additional reading and growing on my part that I’m guessing most people don’t bother with. Why try to figure out the better of two imperfect options when it’s easier to just say both suck?
A 3rd party could try and build from the bottom up and dismantle the two parties powerbase but it doesn’t seem to be happening.
Not really. The FPTP system makes that incredibly difficult. You can't get votes without taking some amount away from the closest party.
So existing parties are encouraged to shut down and absorb new parties. And new parties will struggle to get a majority of the old party, let alone a majority of the entire election.
We need a system that doesn't have these nonstarter problems, and that's star + approval voting.
There are several countries that have FPTP voting, but they're not as entrenched at everywhere into two parties the way the US is. The UK, for example, has several regions where one of the two major parties is mostly fighting against a regional party, and the other major party has little to no voting base there.
Not only that, but several southern states have used instant runoff voting since the end of Reconstruction (or not long after). If you look at the makeup of their legislatures over the past 100+ years, you'll see that they are just as filled with Democrats and Republicans as everywhere else.
I find it interesting that the basic premise of his argument is that all current legislature is correct and good. He just wants any future rules about unlegislated concepts to be reactionary.
So, a married gay man who is conservative, a gay man who I presume to be a cis man, who call himself pro life… I’m not an expert or anything of sorts but I don’t think he should be having an opinion of abortion, because let’s say, his opinion of abortion is so well informed and backed by science as his voting choices… everyone capable of getting pregnant is seriously screwed.
I think Jordan Ramsey needs some more critical thinking skills and a quick look at what the republican agenda always was, and will continue to be (under Project 2025) before he decides that he will "never be a Democrat"
I feel little pity for anyone who has so little knowledge of history that they don’t know the Republican Party has run on anti-out groups since before I was born.
im glad the republican party stuck to it's roots-punishing the slavers, going for racial equality, and being lead by a bisexual wrestler who flirts and jokes with karl marx in his free time. the past 160 or so years could've been pretty rough if they hadn't.
The thing about tokens, they get spent.
First: Roe overturn. Completed
Second: Obergefell overturn. In process.
Third: Lawrence overturn. In process.
Fourth: Griswald overturn. In process.
Soon: Loving overturn. Coming.
Obergefell is same-sex marriage, Lawrence overturned sodomy laws making gay sex legal, Griswold was legalizing contraception, and Loving was interracial marriage.
If America isn't stuck in their own Orwellian version of language suppression (Americans only think with binary terms "liberal/Democrats" and "conservative/Republicans") and have a multiparty ranked choice voting, the person screenshoted would be able to articulate his thoughts and say he is a conservative supporting the centre right party that is the Democratic Party. I met people from different countries who are gay, but have no problem identifying as conservative or right.
whats funny to me is this guy is gay and is openly admitting to being pro life and in favor of the 2nd amendment. making him fully 100% liberal. yet he doesn't like liberals lmao. it always amazes me that people don't know the literal definition of what a liberal is.
generally yes...but a liberal has the freedom to be open about whatever they want. they aren't forced to feel one way or the other. Like. "if you are pro choice then you will go to jail" and someone saying "im pro life because i dont want to go to jail" that is not being liberal, that is following a structure
This is what happens when Dems refuse to do anything to help...
Idiots vote Republican because things will change. Almost never changes for the better (gotta go back to like Lincoln lol) but shit does change with a Republican.
If Dems who wanted to help could make it past the neoliberals in the primaries, all of these people would still be voting D.
Luckily Ken Martin hasn't been the type to stand in the way of the type of candidates dem voters want. He's the whole reason Minnesota is blue, let alone progressive.
Nearly four months into the legislative session, Democrats in the state have already tackled protecting abortion rights, legalizing recreational marijuana and restricting gun access — and they have signaled their plans to take on issues like expanding paid family leave and providing legal refuge to trans youths whose access to gender-affirming and other medical care has been restricted elsewhere.
“These [policies] are things that have a direct and clear impact on improving people’s lives,” U.S. Sen. Tina Smith, D-Minn, said. “And that’s what Minnesotans are looking for. They’re looking for evidence — just as voters are nationally — that the government that they elect can deliver results for them.”
Compare that to "Dem stronghold" states where most voters hate their incumbents, and the incumbents are routinely more conservative than the Dem party platform.