My uninformed guess is the person posting this is NOT the person in the picture.
Most likely, it's some weirdo's bizarre roundabout way of harassing whoever's picture this is.
When the cost to try something is virtually zero, you don't have to try very hard. If only one in ten thousand people will fall for a scam, then millions of attempts will still get you thousands of successes.
Hello all! I'm Rose. Also a Fediverse chick. Unlike Nicole I don't spam people. Also I'm not on Friendica (not many people are) and you probably shouldn't add me as a friend on any Fedi platform because I'm a hella boring nerd.
Hi! I'm John, but you can call me the fediverse dude. Unlike nicole and Rose, I don't claim to be someone i'm not! Please add me on all platforms, I crave attention!
One of the giveaways for me was the complete ignorance of the Canadian post-secondary system.
She said that she's taking pre-health sciences at George Brown College. College in Canada means community college (which George Brown is). You take a course, typically 1-3 years, with a specific goal in mind.
Also, Canadian universities do not offer pre-med or pre-health sciences tracks. You get a degree in chemistry, biology, or whatever, and apply for med school irrespective of the program you are in. One of my classmates was accepted into medical school straight out of chemical engineering. Someone else I know was finishing a degree in Spanish literature when he was accepted into medical school.
It seemed pretty out of left field. Like, okay... I'm not clicking on any of that. No explanation of why someone would message me this and as I expected, it seems to have been some sort of widespread spam.
Some of these posts suggest they are using the pictures of someone else on purpose. Some say they're a bot. I personally haven't gotten these messages but I don't get DM's so that's probably why. I'm pretty positive this is some kind of Honeypot scam. Either way I wouldn't trust it.
I got this message yesterday and checked out the matrix server. It was a bunch of anime profiles spewing racist nonsense. Reminded me of 4chan with the vibes. Not for me.