I'm 5'7" with size 15 feet. Shoe shopping is a nightmare.
So, I’m a pretty average-height guy—5’7”. Not tall, not short, just… there. My feet, however, did not get the memo. They are gigantic. Size 15. Which means I leave footprints that suggest someone much larger (or possibly Bigfoot) passed through, got spooked, and took off running.
People always comment. First, the double-take. Then: “Whoa. Those are… big.” And finally, the classic: “How do you even find shoes?”
Badly. That’s how.
Shoe shopping for me is like searching for an ancient artifact. Store clerks disappear into the back, only to return shaking their heads, as if I’d asked for a unicorn saddle. “We might have one pair in the back…” And what they bring out is always tragic—some orthopedic dad sneaker the size of a small canoe, usually in a shade best described as “beige disappointment.”
For a while, I tried to hide it. I slouched. I crammed my toes into size 13s like a Victorian woman chasing a terrible beauty standard. I even considered custom shoes—until I saw the price and briefly thought maybe barefoot life isn’t so bad.
But now? I’ve embraced it. I don’t tip over easily. I get extra legroom on buses just by existing. And when people ask about my shoe size, I just smile and say, “Great for swimming.”
I have the inverse problem. I have the tool and skill to use it - but this is a team sport with your partner. Except for extreme cases (like small finger size) having good team play outweighs any size concerns by far. And for the occasional outsize kink there is quality toys. So don't mind it and be happy you get to enjoy a loving partner. :)
No it's for science really, I swear. Also the pics have to be stepping on someone who is saying "yes daddy I'm a bad boy". Easiest way to verify unfortunately it has nothing to do with how hot it is.
Thanks, I hate it. Maybe we could just measure shoe size in centimeters, not in different units that mean different things on each site of the border - and even for men and women.
Geländevernichtungsbretter (ground flattening boards) or Kindersärge (childrens coffins), as we call those kinds of shoes. I had a friend with EU size 48, but at least he had the matching height.
Shoe shopping for me is like searching for an ancient artifact. Store clerks disappear into the back, only to return shaking their heads, as if I’d asked for a unicorn saddle
Why are you trying to find them in person?
15 isn't ridiculously huge, but anyone over like 13 has known for decades if buying in person you just ask what they have in your size and pick off that. Back in the day that meant going to a store in the hood and buying basketball shoes.
But nowadays you can sort by size online and see much larger collections.
Hell, Oddballshoes.com started well over a decade ago bro... The smallest size they stock is 14.
The reason people comment is your short so it's unexpected, not that your feet are remarkably big.
I wear size 15s, and I can tell you it's a nightmare. Slightly less so since the Internet made shopping easier.
Stores don't often stock anything above a 13. Like I've been in so many stores looking for a single pair of shoes, any pair, and found nothing. If you go online and filter by size, you're looking at a 90% reduction in selection as compared to a normal size, say a 10.
And then, when you do order some shoes, it's 50-50 one company's size 15 will have the same dimensions as the last or next company. I know this may not be a unique problem to big shoes, but it makes it that much more difficult.
When I was younger and had a much less stable life, that is to say not having a lifestyle that was compatible with online shopping, I'd often go weeks shoving cardboard in my shoes in a feeble attempt to patch the holes in my soles. I still subconsciously avoid puddles and wet spots most people would think nothing of plowing straight through.
And then, when you do order some shoes, it’s 50-50 one company’s size 15 will have the same dimensions as the last or next company. I know this may not be a unique problem to big shoes, but it makes it that much more difficult.
No, its not unique to shoes... its a major issue across all clothing.
There are no standards in sizing in anything in clothing. Hell the same company might not even respect its own sizing across batches of the same product, much less across various product lines under its name.
Its infuriating trying to buy clothes because of it.
What is it with people repeating the same thing I've said like they're disagreeing with me lately?
15 isn’t ridiculously huge, but anyone over like 13 has known for decades if buying in person you just ask what they have in your size and pick off that.
People comment because the foot to body length ratio looks weird. Not because he's "short". 5'7 isn't short. It's not tall like someone that's 6'5 but it's not short either.
Last year I found Nikes my size. Then they immediately went out of stock after I got them. This year the next version was available when I just happened to check the site. I bought two pairs and another pair of more dressy casual shoes
Sorry, I don't. I'm in the US. Idk if they do international, but Zappos may be an option? Although I think they got bought by amazon. To I avoid them now
I've got similarly large feet and instead of saying "let me grab my shoes" I often say "let me grab my canoes". Always kills if you weave "canoes" in as a replacement for "shoes" with a straight face
It's not a hindrance but I do think I have more "drag" than the normal-footed guy. Like I just have more weight at the ends of my legs and surface area so I don't think it helps. I can run fast though. I'm really great at swimming, where my paddle-like hands and feet really come into their own. For q2 - not as much as you'd think. Women are not so forward to make a move on me just because they think my big feet implies something else. I get more women through my natural charm.
You should be pedaling with the balls of your feet. Toe drag would only be an issue in a tight turn, but you can scrape your pedal doing that if you set your pedals wrong, so your toes don't matter much.
I wear 15 wides and it's always been a nightmare finding shoes, it's gotten a bit easier with online shopping after COVID but still very sparse on choices
You might try an orthopedic shoe company like Drew Shoes. They carry size 15 in multiple widths for a lot of their shoes. They can be a bit pricey, but they have a clearance section that usually has a lot of options.
Yeah I'm pretty much in the same boat. I just go online now for all my shoes. In the before times when I had to go in person it sucked, they'd have my size in like one or two shoes, there was no picking at all. But online there's a waaaay bigger selection obviously. Sucks that you can't try stuff on but once you get familiar with brands they all kinda for similar enough
Ok, this sounds merely quirky and unusual on the surface other than the shoe difficulty. Any other real problems (or benefits) with this? Joint issues, can’t run well? Something people might not know is a problem with unusually large feet?
Honestly your sense of humor about this is great, although I suspect you've been telling some of these jokes for years 😅 I know what that can be like, I'm a big person so I got height, shoe, etc jokes for days.
my feet aren't large but wide and tall, like I have to undo
the show laces like 3 notches to fit. and if I get a size higher then my toes have a gap between the tip of the shoe.
I recognize that pain even if I'm not 100% in the same situation. trying shoes for me is also annoying, I specifically do not like when clerks try to help you or ask for your size because it almost always doesn't work (oh yeah you're size 13 but hmm your feet doesn't really fit the width) I would much rather just try things on my own. naturally that doesn't work on your case so you must have it rough
Nah homie grew and grew and he was shy and a decent guy, but I didn't know him all that well. I don't think he hit 7' but I cannot stress enough he always seemed super cool
I wear size 15 XX-Wide (6E) shoes and buy them online. It's not really a problem for me. There are plenty to choose from, and sites let you filter by size.
I feel my your pain on the shoes, I also wear size 15 but I'm 6'5", with the added blessing of a proportionally long torso. Shirts are impossible but it's a bummer going to an Amazon (because no store stocks size 15) and seeing options go from like 10,000 down to 100.
I really like onitsaku tigers, I just buy them on repeat.
Wow that means your feet are a full inch shorter than mine I think. And I'm a 15 EE as well. I faintly remember my size 12 phase back when I think I was 12 myself. Did not appreciate it enough at the time. You don't know how lucky you are!
You might want to give barefoot shoes a try. I went from an EU 48 to an EU 45 when I switched to barefoot shoes because some of the size just came from having to accommodate the width of my feet. Barefoot shoes tend to be more flexible in that regard.
It might be, I dunno, but any pair of lightweight, wide-toebox shoes with minimal cushioning, no incline, and minimal arch support will achieve most of the same benefits. The idea is that shoes like these let you walk more naturally, with toes splayed and foot muscles worked.
I feel like you could have luck at Ross and TJ Maxx. I have fairly large feet (12). I feel like every time I go in there, next to the 12's they have like a 14+ section, and sometimes they mixed in where they aren't supposed to be when I'm looking for shoes in size 12, I see a lot of like name brand and expensive looking shoes for very cheap in very large sizes which I'm guessing manufacturers and distributors just offload to them on Ross, et al because the market for those sizes is so small and those are hard to move.
I only ever buy New Balance as I don't trust any other shoe to fit me as well. They have an offshoot, Dunham, for more formal shoes as well as work and hiking boots.
Haven't shopped in a shoe store since I was 12 as they stopped at size 13 in stores most of the time.
Consider barefoot shoes! Man if those aren’t a life saver idk what is. For me shoes would squish my feet quite badly. I also haven’t worn socks in like 7 months. Just warning they will require an adaptation period. Though they benefit feet real well mimics the natural spread and movement.
Check out Sierra.com. They have a couple models of size 15 vivobarefoot shoes right now for around $60. Pretty funny, saw them a while ago and was surprised to see the only shoes size in stock being 15.
OMG IS THAT WHAT MY SHOES HAVE LOOKED LIKE???? HAHAHAHAA. I wear size 13-17 depending on the brand. Like Jordan’s normally went to 15-17 and overall bigger shoes smaller. Though in truth my dude don’t feel bad. It’s cool being different! It means you are extra special and not normal like most people!
Haha! I feel part of your pain. I also wear size fifteen. I got the height to go with them, though. Still, I live in Korea, and well, they do not have big feet around here.
Visit discount/overstock/past season clearance sale stores and websites. I swear all they have left is extra large and extra tiny sizes, no normal sizes left.
My sympathies. I'm allergic to latex and shoe shopping was dreadful. My reaction was delayed, so my feet would itch after a day of wearing the new shoes, at which point they're not returnable.
I finally found a brand that doesn't use latex in their adhesive or soles. I'm loyal AF to that brand. I suspect you're similarly loyal to whatever shoes work for you.
I can relate. Getting shoes is quite hard. At least my feet don't look out of proportion since I am quite tall. Luckily where I live Humanic has a astore with a big sizes section where I can usually find something.
Granted I'm on my phone, but I've stared at this image for a solid minute and I can't see the Photoshop artifacts. Can you hit us with the useless red circle or arrows?
My feet grew before the rest of me, then I caught up. So was in 5th grade a 5 foot tall person with size 9 (women's) feet, but over the summer grew 6 inches, then it slowed down and I landed around 5'9" and a size 10 feet.
My coworker though has the same size feet at 5'2", she could be your sister!
Your feet look like you could just walk around on your toes and have an extra joint in your legs.
I can't be 100% certain of your nationality, but it seems English is your first language, and you measure yourself in Feet/Inches so chances are you are American...
The average adult male height in the US is between 5' 9" and 5' 9 1/2".
You'd have to be in Saudi Arabia, or Mexico, or South Africa, to be an average height adult male.
For Americans, looks like the standard deviation is in a broad range between 2" and 3", looking at other sources, and most SD estimates seem to be between 2.25" and 2.5".
So... you either are or are quite nearly a standard deviation shorter than the average adult male.
You are in fact short, statistically speaking.
You'd be somewhere in roughly the 10th to 25th percentiles range by differing exact figures plugged into height distribution calculations, meaning 75% to 90% of adult males are taller than you.