It barely matters. Biden broke with decades of Democratic fuckery of the working class, and no one noticed. Everyone blamed Harris for all of Biden's decisions about Gaza, and no one really noticed or seemed to care that she hadn't been the one making the decisions. They just kept using the same messaging that she was supporting a genocide, unmodified from the form it had been in for Biden, and it kept working great. A majority of people were convinced that Trump would be better (!) for the economy.
The Democratic party definitely has an overall-shittiness problem, sure, and if you want to hold Harris responsible for any particular failure to break with that, I won't really stop you. But that wasn't what lost her the election.
Everyone blamed Harris for not charting her own course, for declaring she wouldn't have changed a thing that happened under Biden. The DNC assumed people would support a black female version of Biden that mirrored everything we hated about him, all while shifting further to the right. This is what holding politicians accountable looks like.
Yeah. I'm honestly not really sure why I posted this. I guess it was a little interesting, but between Democratic politicians who mostly just want campaign contributions, consultants who are sure that if the candidates keep channeling Reagan they'll start winning elections, and media which is absolutely committed to telling anyone who will listen that Trump is stronger on the economy and Biden never did anything important, it hardly matters what "strategy" Harris and Walz came out with. The problems go about a thousand miles deeper than "we should have had more town halls."
That they’re admitting they fucked up in any way other than “ we should have run a primary” or the BS excuse of “we weren’t mean enough to trans people” is news in it’s own right.
Phew! Good thing we avoided them getting into office then.
I love how people were convinced to avoid the party that didn't stop genocide, and vote in the party that actively promoted genocide. Pat on the back! You earned it.
Blaming voters for not being enthused about picking between two genocidal options is a one of the greatest losing strategies of all time. Nobody should be surprised at all that a chunk of the Democrats' base didn't have it in them to hold their noses tight enough for something that utterly vile — least of all Biden & Harris's campaigns.
It was a massively idiotic move that either campaign could have avoided with a stupid level of ease, and they chose not to. Voters that didn't vote did so because they believe mass-murder is bad; whereas the best-case scenario for the Democrat's campaign is legendary incompetence, and the worst is outright genocidal malice and greed. If you're going to get mad at one, I recommend the latter.
lol I voted for her anyway, because I thought she was better than the alternative. If I only knew…
My point is that her timid, business-as-usual stance was a dealbreaker for a lot of people. How many voted 3rd party, or didn’t vote at all, because she refused to explicitly oppose genocide? How many Democrats like me still voted for her, but weren’t nearly as enthusiastic as they could have been?
There was too much ratfuckery by Elon and Russia.
The election was rigged Trump admits it but the American public is being suppressed and/or eerily quiet. I think it is too much for most to consider that our elections have been interfered with. So we collectively hold the fantasy that this government is still a democracy.
Perhaps it's the long moral arc of the universe, the correction of karma for the U.S. governments geopolitical sins of interfering in other countries elections?
I called it that Biden's support of genocide would cost him the election in late 2023. I was super angry that he wouldn't just tell Bibi, "fuck you, you're done." But he called him an asshole on a hot mic (a little performance for the media) and shit like that. Fuck you, Israel. You knew you were gunning for Trump. Fuck you Biden. You had no self-awareness about the young people on campuses who saw through your bullshit. Fuck you Harris for saying you'd change nothing about the policy.
We got what we sowed and reaped. We're fucked and it's the fault of the people at the top, but also all of us for letting it get this bad. Too much propaganda has brainwashed people to not understand very simple facts. You'll note that I don't allow this as an excuse for our collective failure.
Too much propaganda has brainwashed people to not understand very simple facts. You’ll note that I don’t allow this as an excuse for our collective failure.
Yeah. This is the real issue. I'm not trying to excuse Democrats for supporting genocide, but also, the fucked-up state of the American electorate where a politician doing anything other than supporting genocide is this incredibly risky proposition, because an overwhelming majority of the American people think the Palestinians are terrorists and Israel is just defending themselves, that's the real underlying issue.
And yes, it's not going to get any better unless people like us take responsibility for fixing it. The increasing spread and power of propaganda is a massive problem. It already was a bad problem, when it was the evening news telling people that Israel was the good guys, and it's gotten exponentially worse since then.
I vote for the candidate that would do the least harm for the most people, just like I always do, nearly always the Dem
I believe there is a mandate
Since the largest group of voters did not vote, they apparently thought everything was fine the way it was
They passively voted for the Status Quo
There is a clear Mandate for the Status Quo!
Winning by less than 1% & losing seats in the house is no mandate to become a Monarchy, to be ruled by Royal decree
Making it all seem like shyt is the GOPux brand
Proving government incompetent by their actions
The Dems keep running on
We Suck Less!
In general we would rather critique the bad faith arguments of conservatives than talk about policy, which is mind numbingly boring....
As long as the donor class calls the tune it's gonna continue Third Way, Neo Liberal...