Help me name this guy
Help me name this guy

Bunch of villains wear purple and green. I originally was going to print all the accessories in green but only had purple petg. Was going to go with Gumby but now like Hulk, or Green Goblin.
Scootie Puff Jr
9 0 ReplyThe_Hideous_Orgalorg Scooty Puff Jr sucks! Go with Scooty Puff Sr.
2 0 Reply
damnthefilibuster OnederScoot
(One Wonder Scooter)
7 0 ReplyTelorand - Suicide Squid (spelling intentional)
- Donatello
5 0 Replybillwashere What is this thing?
4 0 Replykoregro OP An electric unicycle or EUC
2 0 Reply
StarvingMartist I mean if you're on purple and green, with the bat sticker why not joker?
4 0 Reply_haha_oh_wow_
Mr. Wobbles
3 0 Reply2fm Knight V
3 0 ReplyGimpydude Uni-Bob
2 0 Reply
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