Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
We need to implement ranked choice voting and abolish the electoral college, or voting third party will remain as effective as screaming into the void.
Riding at top speed is dangerous because of the missing options to escape. I had a VStar 650, and it was nice, but too slow for anywhere with a limit over 45.
With high speed rail, your commute could be at the top speed of a sport bike, and without the slowdowns of traffic. The travel time would be more predictable, and you have your attention available for other things during the ride.
This would be effective. Altering the way we designed cities would allow new developments to abandon roads. Create walkable areas connected to an overarching network of high speed rail. As more sections go up, population will fill it, and priority can be given to residents that need to move to make way for the next redevelopment section.
Electric vehicles are here to save the auto industry. We need to replace personal automobiles with strong public transportation for the climate.
You must not be a rider. Extending the inside foot in a turn is very common.
Why do you say this photo is fake? My dad used to take me for rides just like this. One of his favorite stories to tell is about having to toss me off as it was going to fall over, and how I was having a blast, but my mother was not nearly so excited. I was around two at the time.
Sounds like a lack of will.
Asus support is next to worthless at this point anyway.
Selfishness and greed. Anyone that stands up stands alone, and the others are quick to lick a boot as they grovel for scraps. For some inconceivable reason too many consider this preferable to standing together and working to make things better.
Wait until you pay the bill and someone thinks they need to crank the heat instead of putting on a sweater.
Never really had a problem with the hidden side menu, though I didn't care for it either.
I never said it was impossible to keep the old style. Though I do refuse that the start page is only useful to touchscreens. I would have preferred a bit more options than just large or small squares, but it still was a nice way to keep shortcuts close at hand without having them on the desktop. Bringing the shortcut screen over top of everything is much more useful than keeping the shortcuts at the bottom, on the desktop.
Frankly, I found it ridiculous that the start page got so much hate while stuff like bing searches being forced into the local machine search gets no reaction.
I liked the start page. I don't use icons on the desktop though. Being able to pull up a customized shortcut screen was quite nice.
8 only gets hate because people lost their minds with the start menu change.
What I'm most annoyed about is that they won't let me unlock my account, due to not having the serial number from my PlayStation from over a decade ago, nor my credit card number from the same time period. So I've got to change my name, and create a new account to continue playing the game.
I think the students had chained the doors with bike locks, and the police are trying to claim the chains constitute professional involvement.
You should not have to buy a new key for a machine that came with windows. That will most likely automatically activate back to whichever edition you had before the wipe.
Nitecore MT21C
This one was my first, I'm beating up the second already. These do not seem to take being dropped in oil very well, sealed though it tries to be. I need suggestions for a solid EDC that can actually ignore being submerged in hydraulic fluid. The magnetic base is a must. The swivel head is super nice, though I suspect I'll have to find another way to aim a new light.