SlopppyEngineer That's about everything unhealthy in the supermarket.
39 0 Replywise_pancake Quaker oats are the last filling oats somehow
I am going to miss Bob's red mill, they make some good stuff that nobody else does well.
5 0 Replydylanmorgan Are you boycotting them because they’re American? Or are they going out of business?
1 0 Reply
Ymer Yeah, I've never been more motivated to eat more greens and unprocessed food.
4 0 Replyprotist I was going to say, this is a list of things I don't buy already (am American). Every now and then I buy a box of triscuits I guess
2 0 Reply
Pitchelos Nestlé and Unilever are not American. Nestlé is Swiss and Unilever is British/Dutch.
This does not mean that they are good brand and you can certainly find many reasons to boycott them but not because they are American
35 0 ReplyMac Don't forget Kraft, P&G, and Johnson&Johnson
19 0 Replydeus The original image had most of these:
15 0 ReplyMac Yes, i have that image saved but Nestlé and Unilever aren't American.
3 0 ReplyBlaze (he/him) OP
Thanks, updated
2 0 Reply
Mondelez is kraft
6 0 Replyflorge Kraft spun off the company that became Mondelez, Kraft was then acquired by Heinz and became Kraft Heinz iirc
2 0 ReplyMac They're two halves of a whole, i thought.
1 0 Reply
Unilever isn't American.
15 0 ReplyPatch Nor is Nestle.
4 0 Replysoapysage One of their biggest shareholders are BlackRock, puts a big black mark on the company.
2 0 ReplySteve Dice Depends on what you mean by "being" American. It's owned mostly by American institutions like Bank of America and Wells Fargo.
1 0 Reply
thegr8goldfish Nobody will ever convince me that we wouldn't all be better off without breaking up these trusts.
14 0 Replyapotheotic (she/her)
The negation in your sentence implies you think the status quo is good - just fyi
1 0 Replythegr8goldfish Fair enough. Just to be clear, we would all be better off if we broke up these trusts.
5 0 Reply
galanthus Toblerone is american? Wtf?
12 0 Replyprotist Toblerone is owned by US-based Kraft but only produced in the EU, similar to how Ben and Jerry's ice cream is made in the US but is owned by the London-based Unilever. With international conglomerates, national lines are very blurred
19 0 Reply0x0 Ben and Jerry’s
They had a balsy take a while back.
4 0 Reply
skepller Yeah, they bought a lot of European chocolate brands, like Milka, Côte d'Or, Toblerone, Cadbury, Green & Black's, Freia and Marabou.
6 0 Reply
floetengesicht IMO: Nestlé - Switzerland Unilever - UK
12 0 ReplyTachyonTele If you really want a good time, do this with Japanese mega corporations.
12 0
Although the title is a bit misleading as Nestlé is Swiss and Unilever is British I still love to see this every couple of years as a reminder.
8 0 ReplyVenus_Ziegenfalle
Honestly out of the stuff I'm seeing here there's not a single thing that doesn't have a European drop in replacement. If we got rid of everything tomorrow people would probably mourn Coca Cola and candy bars for a while and not much else.
5 0 ReplyBeardedGingerWonder Cadbury's hits hard for many in the UK. Took a decent company, fucked up the ingredients and now they're American.
3 0 ReplyVenus_Ziegenfalle
That's true but as long as you still have Terry's you will prevail! 😄
2 0 Reply
ChinoKawaii Kofola and Cockta taste better than cocacola anyway
2 0 ReplyVenus_Ziegenfalle
I haven't been able to get my hands on Kofola but I'm aware of the hype. I can totally vouch for Cockta though. Tried it for its name and been in love ever since.
1 0 Reply
Skunk Happily 80% of those are not sold in my corner of Europe.
We have enough domestic brands that covers all this shit food with better quality local alternatives (Migros, Frey, Lindt…)
The most famous being a really human mega corporation with nothing to hide, aka Nestle.
5 0 ReplyZiglin (they/them) Am I the only one interested in this seemingly being from 2012 according to the copyright notice in the bottom right. That's more than 12 years ago now :(
4 0 Replyugh This is very outdated. It's a decent quick guide, and most of it is still true, but I recommend looking up the current information. Between the parent company's website and Wikipedia, it's easy to find the full list.
3 0 Reply
tatann Breizh Cola FTW
3 0 Replycrt0o The monopolies are there, now they just need to be nationalized
4 1 ReplyWarlockLawyer And have to see which companies these companies hold shares in. I stopped drinking monster when coca cola bought too large a percentage for me to accept.
3 0 ReplyLumidaub
Note that this does not necessarily show your local brands (unless you're in the US, presumably). German pizza maker Wagner and German convenience food maker Maggi are owned by Nestle, but not represented here.
2 0 Replyᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝
Time to give up UPFs and eat proper food, like British oats.
1 0 Reply