Found on /r/buyfromEU, thread in body (Lemmy mentioned)
Found on /r/buyfromEU, thread in body (Lemmy mentioned)

AbsolutelyNotAVelociraptor AFAIK HERE WeGo is an European maps app too.
10 0 ReplySeñor Mono
These sharepics are simply not exhaustive. Having example alternatives and then pointing to one of three comparison websites, might be a better approach. But this would also be more convoluted.
10 0 Replyjagermo +1, great alternative to gmaps, including traffic and public transport
5 0 Replyenemenemu That doesn't use osm. Imo, it is just not as good
4 0 Replycosmicrookie
Missing traffic updates for smaller countries is an issue with osm
2 0 Reply
felykiosa TIL that Bitwarden is an US company. I love the product but thats a risk
5 0 ReplyKualdir Switched to proton pass free from paid bitwarden and gotta say, its just better on so many fronts.
1 1 Reply
EfreetSK is an absolute must for hiking in Czechia and Slovakia, Google maps isn't even close. Not sure how the situation is in other countries though
Curently trying it as my daily driver and it does pretty good job too
5 0 Reply🇳🇱 Snoezelpoes
Mapy is great for hiking outside of Czechia and Slovakia, I use it a lot in the Netherlands! I had to stop using the navigation tough because I ran into some issues with it.
1 0 Reply
OsmAnd is a great map alternative as well, works great for any type of navigation
5 0 Replyhinterlufer (there's the open source free full version on F-Droid)
3 0 Reply
Kualdir I can vouch for the Kdrive/Kmail from infomaniak. Great service for the price, the switch was almost seamless (with gmail forwarding to my mail)
4 0 Replyx00z
Most of Session's developers are Australian.
They moved their product to Switzerland because the Australian government started raiding them.
They seem to be a cool bunch but for some reason don't want to implement some wanted privacy features.
3 0 ReplyFonzie! I thought money to Lemmy (not your instance but the founders) went to a US organisation?
It's still federated so I guess it doesn't really matter much, but still...
1 0 ReplyBlaze (he/him) OP
They get funds from the EU, so I don't think it's a US organization
2 0 Replyᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝
The two main Lemmy devs are European. One of the Admins is also now part of the team.
2 0 Reply
Toto Shout out to the Arc Browser
1 0 ReplyKoalaUnknown Why does it include iCloud, iMessage, and Keychain, but not Apple’s Calendar, Mail, and Maps
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