Trump to revoke refugee status to 240000 Ukrainians in the US
Trump to revoke refugee status to 240000 Ukrainians in the US
Lt_AldoRaine From the article:
“The planned rollback of protections for Ukrainians was underway before Trump publicly feuded with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy last week.”
So the meeting with Zelenskyy was, in fact, a manufactured publicity stunt.
35 0 ReplyATDA Petty and evil. Very on brand for a shitheel like him.
28 0 ReplyJimmybander Dude. This is so cruel.
17 0 ReplyToday So Ukraine is now fighting a multifront war. Great...
16 1 ReplyMyOpinion
Putin's puppet at it again.
12 1 ReplyBlameTheAntifa He now literally meets the exceptionally narrow definition of treason as defined by the US Constitution.
6 1 Replyosaerisxero
I would love to hear an explanation of this, because I don't see it
2 1 Reply
arb_user America - W. T. F.
10 0 Replyhansolo World - please send help!
3 0 Reply
He's just helping the ukrainian war effort and their manning issues.
7 0 ReplyOhStopYellingAtMe
Worst. President. Ever.
8 1 Replyaaron America you have switched sides. Expect a European pivot towards China, provided China maintains some degree of pragmatic neutrality.
7 1 ReplyNoite_Etion
Ukraine was already fighting one world power, now they have to fight two.
Slava Ukraini!
6 0 Reply