A day or two ago, my mother pulled out the old SNES and started playing A Link to the Past (our original cartridge from 1991 that I grew up with is still kicking) and she was telling me how it was going. She beat the Tower of Hera without getting the moon pearl. Which made me wonder.
There are several NPCs scattered around the Dark World who comment on seeing a normal Hylian, can you get to any of them as bunny Link and do they have alternate dialog?
It looks as though it was a controlled descent. The arms are tucked in to reduce its upper body width. The leg hangs on long enough to ensure going through head first. The second picture might even be a kick to really force the orientation of travel.
If you are a creature who is falling through a hole, maybe going head first is a pretty good tactic. Once you get to the bottom, you can crawl forward, possibly burrowing along the ground under the fabric as you crawl.
The alternative of your rear end facing down and your body folded in on itself could have meant getting stuck. Ingenious creature.