In a televised address to the French on Wednesday, the French president described Russia as a 'threat to France and Europe,' and said he wanted to confer with European allies on using France's nuclear deterrent to protect Europe.
Bowed? I think its more of a strategy, to try to win the Americans back, act as a bridge. IMO it is too late. But even if it is only a 1% chance, its worth it. Meanwhile UK is investing in defense, standing by allies and being unwavering in its support for Ukraine.
I can't take her seriously, the EU needs a strong face and she's not doing it for me. This isn't a woman VS man thing, I thought Merkel was tougher than Scholz to be fair.
i meeeeean idk much about french politics, but from everything i heard the biggest shit show was the pension thing, and that was more an individuals being annoyed about getting less, but the pension situation was unsustainable so they either do something or it all imploded and macron tried to do something and people hated it because it effected them personally but now they’ve still got to deal with it and it’s just getting worse?
He's consistently been the president of the wealthy, he could have chosen to make wealthy pensioners take some of the financial burden but decided to put it all on the working population.
He also deleted a wealth tax, consistently slashed benefits for unemployment and social minimums.
On a personal level, he's had too many dealings with quite a few people implicated in criminal scandals (Sarkozy, notably) to be clean.
All that to say, I can appreciate his talks about Europe, but he's not been a good president for the french workers, and it's likely to lead to the far right being in control in a couple years, which could be a disaster for said European project.
that was more an individuals being annoyed about getting less
Not, that was about Macron trampling on the democratic process to pass a controversial law. (And yes, things needed to be adjusted with the pension system, but it didn’t have to be done this specific way, there were several options besides the one His Highness Macron curtly chose for all of us. It also didn’t need to be done that urgently.) Also, for some of these individuals, “getting less” will, concretely, mean “dying before reaching retirement age” or “falling into poverty because their company or their health won’t let them work until retirement age”, so I think it’s a bit unfair to present it like you do, as if it were mere discontentment over getting slightly less than they were hoping for.
Hm, I don’t think there’s such a thing as an “appropriate leader of the free world”. (Not even talking about how problematic the notion of “the free world” is.) We’re in this mess because one country has this much power over the rest of us. Replacing it with another (I’m saying this hypothetically, because France is in no position to gain as much power as the US anyway) doesn’t solve the problem.
Also, and I’m saying this as a French person, France has its issues, even though they’re not as cataclysmically bad as the United States’s problems right now. The far right is getting a lot stronger here too (as in many other countries) and I’m frankly worried about the future. Many people here are fighting against this, and I hope we can turn the tide somehow, but... never depend on one country.
Yep, and while we did progress from the mindset of that time, I don’t think we made as much progress as we should have, and the recent political atmosphere is... worrying. I mean, I don’t think we would enslave Africa again, but I shudder to think of what a superpower with our far right as its head would do. Also, superpowers are intrinsically dangerous, imho.
can it be literally anyone else please? I worry that if the French get any more pompous they'll explode so fiercely that we won't need any nuclear weapons
Just having one would be more dangerous then having none. It's not enough for actual deterrence but it is enough for Russia to "justify" using its arsenal against them.