I always wondered about the security aspect of gaming and mods. It feels understudied.
The containers will store their data in volumes, and ideally those volumes are individual ZFS datasets. The containers themselves are stateless, and you can just boot them up with the volume to "restore" them.
However if you want to learn proxmox anyway this is a moot point anyway.
Some concerns:
- get multiple smaller harddrives and put them into some kind of RAID / zpool with redundancy. the drives will fail.
- there is absolutely zero reason to have a VM per service when a container will do. There are no advantages. But VMs will take significantly more resources and be harder to right-size. There is no restore/backup advantage using VMs.
- for that reason there is also no reason to use proxmox in the first place, unless you want to learn proxmox. Truenas scale for example comes with pre-installed k3s.
- I would get a separate hardware firewall because it makes easier to expand the network later.
He eats less than he burns. Could be just high level of base activity - even just walking around a bunch makes a huge difference, much more than sports. Or could be very low appetite.
For sure wealth should be taxed, but OPs idea that it's just unused billions sitting around is untrue. People shouldn't belief in falsehoods. Also if you try to argue for wealth tax, and get something basic like this wrong, the argument is already lost.
Unfortunately an Alcubierre drive dumps a shitload of high energy radiation in the direction of travel when it stops. We would sterilize every world we get to.
Anything based on nagios supports custom checks, via any executable script.
apt install nginx
cp -r my-files/* /var/www/
Because we get bombarded with the negative parts.
You owe it to yourself to research past the platitudes. Then you would know that they already got raided and the police left empty handed because there was nothing to find.
Its not a dragon hoard, its the perceived value of their companies.
I wouldn't use it unless you have a separate room somewhere, they are VERY loud.
Just slap an VW i3 on a Boxer.
I am not sure you intended this, but that is exactly what happened. One person misspoke at a press conference that all travel was free immediately, and soon all the border posts were so overwhelmed that they actually had to let people cross.
Muslims and Mormons are basically the same thing
Mormons believe that a biblical angel revealed prophecies indirectly to Joseph Smith, who wrote it down in the book of Mormon.
Muslims believe that the biblical angel Gabriel revealed prophecies to Muhammad, who wrote it down in the Quran.
I disagree with this, container runtimes are a software like all others where logging needs to be configured. You can do so in the config of the container runtime environment.
Containers actually make this significantly easier because you only need to configure it once and it will be applied to all containers.
Docker stores that stdout per default in a log file in var/lib/docker/containers/...
Containers don't do log rotation by default and the container itself has no say in the matter. You have to configure it in your container runtime config.
Thank you so much for that shop recommendation, I have been searching for this for a while.
German constitutional court ruled against any form of voting machine. It's all counted by hand. Multiple times.
Die Leute haben seit dem Fall der Mauer links gewählt und irgendwann ging es dann um Gendersternchen und nicht mehr um Arbeiterpolitik.