Dozen Teslas torched outside French dealership: authorities
Toulouse (France) (AFP) – A dozen Teslas were torched in France in what authorities are treating as an arson attack, the prosecutor's office said Monday.
Yeah - I just wish our leaders (Democrat ones) would call for protests at least. It would help. Instead we twiddle our thumbs as our institutions are destroyed. I haven't heard of a single protest for the tariffs today that nobody wants but Trump and Putin...
I’ve heard the best thing people can do against Musk is to vandalise privately purchased Teslas. I’ve heard that will put mass fear in the market not to buy them.
I’ve heard that vandalising commercially owned Teslas will only result in insurance payouts and more Teslas being made.
I’ve heard that the best way to vandalise privately owned Teslas is to use spray paint, which is relatively easy to clean off (not hurting the owner too much) while being very media-affective.
In my country private insurance is way higher on Teslas than other models already, apparently a mix of them being valuable, high risk of accident/theft, and impossible to repair from small fender benders driving cost of replacements up.
C'mon, please don't generate revenue for Tesla - not even from insurance policies. It makes more sense for the cars to just stand around and rust despite the stainless steel. Nobody wants to buy from that goddamn Nazi anyway.
But hey, maybe Musk had the cars set on fire himself - that would be a rather harmless insurance scam compared to his other activities...
If it continues, insurance companies will not insure Teslas. Already happened to certain Audi and Porsche models that had subpar plating underneath. Spontaneous combustion would easily do that to Teslas.
Also happened to Range Rovers once people realised they were insanely easy to steal.
It got so bad that people that owned them on finance could no longer get insurance. This made a tonne of them hit the second hand market making them cheaper. Meaning people with finance couldn’t even sell the car for the money they owed on the finance.
Range Rover started offering their own insurance and I did a quote for fun and they just said nah fam.
I think - for their own safety, of course - we should gather more of these Tesla vehicles together in a central location so they can be isolated from the population at large... Perhaps in some sort of tent-based accommodation?
No! Now they can write them off on their insurance! They needed to have them languish unsold taking up retail space for years and learn to regret their purchase.
Edit: For those unaware this is real and as someone with a multi-decade history of collecting and selling agave spirits at retail it is fucking awful for the money.
Good thing Tesla follows a direct sales model and their dealerships are really just company owned store rooms as opposed to some massive corporate go-between that's "only there to protect customers" while inflating financing pricing to skim $$, bolting on overpriced accessories, etc. Those massive corporate interests that spent $80.8 million lobying for their existence in 2022 are surely here to help the little guy/gal.
If the finances there work the way I expect they do, if it was political activists upset about Elon Musk who burned the cars, that probably doesn't have a lot of negative impact on Elon Musk.
My guess is that the dealership owned the cars, and that they're probably insured on top of that. The insurer pays. So the net effect is going to be a tiny amount of upwards pressure in French auto insurance costs. The dealership will use insurance money to go buy replacement Teslas. Thus, Tesla will get several more sales, paid for by the French public.
That only holds true, if no more than a tiny amount of Teslas in dealerships start burning. However if many start burning, insurance will drop coverage, dealers will look to sell other cars, and Tesla will loose serious revenue.
This risk is unique to Teslas. So if an insurer applied the cost to all brands, they would create an adverse selection problem where Tesla owners buy the subsidized insurance at a greater rate, and other car owners would be driven to the competition.
This is why they ask so many questions when insuring your car, like if it's a red Ferrari. Eeeeeverything goes into the algorithm.