He doesn't need to keep his system working, he can probably pay someone for that. He needs something that will maximize engagement, and a million "I use arch BTW" comments is exactly what he wants.
I don't think that was the goal cause he didn't post like a post, it's a story. Engagement on it is not visible and as far as I'm aware, it doesn't boost anything.
Also Linux would be the last place any influencer would go for engagement farming.
Assuming that's not some default config I just don't know, that's actually a rather competently built config for i3 or similar. If he did that hinself he should manage.
Any conclusions drawn from a child's personality can't necessarily then be applied to a parent. Hannah Montana Linux was ultimately a Debian, but it was so far from stock Debian that the comparison makes no sense. The same, I assume, applies with the Arch-derivative that runs on Steam decks. We're not in Arch-kansas any more, Toto.
The closest to "Windows with nerdnip" is probably Linux Mint, but even then that's a fairly unkind comparison.
Definitely a one off thing case here. Last week he was on mint and now on arch with hyprland already. He doesn't upload that much so he's probably experimenting a lot.
It's certainly been gaining some momentum lately. Just within the past year I saw this channel coming out of nowhere with some videos about Linux, this famous animator finally getting rid of Windows and Adobe and also this guy talking about it.
I wonder if he'll make a video (if he hasn't already) on why he chose to switch to Linux; I'm quite interested to hear what made him decide to switch, and I'm also very interested to hear what issues, if any, he encountered along the way.
He had a bunch of "Haha, I'm just being a nazi ironically and what even is a nazi, this symbol has lots of other historical usages" incidents, such as paying a foreigner to yell "death to jews" and doing a video where he was wearing a shirt with an iron cross on the collar.
Many years ago he paid like 5 bucks to see if some Indian guys would write "heil Hitler" on a sign and hold it up for a video (they did}. He was doing stupid edgy humor and playing with like like many creators at the time. Many people canceled him "fully" a year or so after that when he had the "bridge incident". He called someone the n word for camping or something while he was playing PUBG. He apologized and took responsibility for using the word...sorta. He continued to make content for a few more years and then he "retired" in Japan with his wife and child. They post update videos every few months but more or less he got his bag and dipped out after he pulled too many stupid moves and was seen as "toxic" to work with.
I don't think he's a bad person, but that's just as someone who occasionally watched his videos over the years.
what the other guy said barely scratches the surface. he did so many things, shouting out a straight up neonazi propaganda channel as one of his favorites was one of them. he's a pussy too, he always has this plausible deniability shit ready to go. but that only works if you're stupid. you can "accidentally" do nazi shit only so many times before people catch on.