i hate jd vance. i hate everything about him. i hate the way that he walk, the way that he talk, the way that he dress. i even hate when he says "hillbilly". some shit just cringeworthy, it ain't even gotta be deep i guess.
this dude profits on my people's pain and claims to be of us when he could not more clearly be an Outsider. like… if he knew even the first thing about Appalachia, which he doesn't, because there has been a century long effort to erase our history for us, and he grew up far from us and had no chance of ever learning the truth, he'd know a Jewish Ukrainian is an embodiment of multiple aspects of our shared cultural roots.
like. this dude is bullying his cousin because the thing that forced his ancestors off their homeland in europe is paying him money. this greedy fucking bastard is selling out his own people and his cousins for a paltry sum. to reiterate: he claims us, but he is not of us. the way he talks about us is hurtful, and the way he speaks to our closest international cousins is straight up bullshit. dude is straight up evil and doesn't even show the savvy to be good at being evil
I don’t know why JD Vance is talking. He has absolutely no authority or power as the vice president . And since he clearly has no idea what he’s talking about it’s better for everyone if he just shuts the fuck up .
I saw a video saying we should miss name him like that Benedict comeback meme because it would really annoy him. So I’ve started calling him dumb names that rhyme: Just wear Pants or Jingle Dance