Elon Musk's slurs against disabled people anger them and their advocates. They're speaking out.
Elon Musk has the ear of one of the most powerful people in the world – President Donald Trump – making him one of the most powerful people in the world, too. He's been given unfettered access to adjust the federal government's budget and headcount.
So what's he doing posting a slur multiple times targeting the disabled community on social media?
Israeli spent so long pretending the only victims of the Holocaust everyone forgot LGBT and the mentally/physically disabled were among the first once forcibly sterilized and sent to camps.
So now we get pro Israeli Nazis who still hate LGBT and every other group the Nazis did.
no they know. they're who's been warning everyone else that the right means hate speech when they say free speech. they don't actually mean freedom of dissent, which is what most of us understand it to mean
“Freedom of speech” is about the governments ability to regulate your speech. Other people have the free speech to tell you to shut the fuck up, or call you out for using slurs, as the disability rights activists are doing.
No one is wanting the Stazi to show up if you say something shitty, but “r-tarded” is a word with a nasty history behind it. There are so many better ways to insult people than to compare someone or something to developmentally delayed people.
It’s also extremely concerning when someone who is pretty explicitly pro eugenics is using a word that dehumanizes disabled people, while we just appointed a health guy who wants to make farm camps for people with ASD or ADHD.
Useless headline. The R-word is apparently "removed".
I spell it out here because this isn't mentioned at all in the article. Figuring out what it was talking about required finding and reading text that was embedded in an image on x.com.
Using the actual word for reporting is not the same as using the word as an insult. Bowdlerizing news doesn't do anything besides making them uncleared.
You're in the wrong here. Reread the message and the tone of the message and then I'd like a 500 word essay on which particular diction in the post makes you think he's an edgelord rather than someone who genuinely doesn't know who would abbreviate something "r-word" as if it's an equivalent moral choice to call a person by that word as it is to call a person by a word that evokes 400 years of triangle trade suffering (or for a subset of the us population, the analogous c-word which many view as evoking 10,000 years of misogynistic behaviors).
Once that essay is done, I'd like 1000 words on why you think this post makes him anti-trans or, if it's easier, anti-"pronoun" whatever that happens to be a dog whistle for in your head. Feel free to use their comment history for this one if needs be.
Look, I was a teenager in the 90s, and I too probably used "removed," "gay" and plenty of other words in ways that were offensive in 2025 (or even 2010, or 2000). But as we live in the world, most of us, you know... grow.
While Elon, Trump and all of these other crazy people complain about sensitive liberals, in reality they are the ones feeling triggered by the fabric of reality constantly reminding them that they continue to have the emotional intelligence of a 90s teen (at best). When someone tells them not to say "removed," they say "NO, 90s ME WAS NOT WRONG, YOU'RE WRONG."
But Elon, if you haven't developed enough to feel superior to your 90s self, to treat your 90s self like a different person you're allowed to disagree with, something is wrong with you. It's all just emotional, infantile contrarianism to avoid admitting that they have no capacity for self-reflection.
As an aside, why does the article avoid actually naming the r-word? Saying the word is not the same thing as using it. It's not like the N word that way. Maybe it's for SEO or something.
No, there are just a lot of people that literally think it's as bad as the n word. A few comments up someone used the word to help people understand what word the article describes. They got a good 40% downvotes.
It's exhausting. Internet Karen's exist on both sides of the political isle.
I think this one is generational (for real, not "these kids don't have work ethic"). I don't know anyone in my age group that cares at all. I've only ever heard people a decade younger than me say "r-word" in real life.
They should just send him some human feces topped with lettuce, onions, and tomatoes, in a hamburger bun, in a bag that says “Enjoy your ass burgers, Elon.”
Musk doesn't take orders and he sure as hell doesn't take requests. Knowing that it offends just makes him want to do it more. He loves the attention, it's why he bought Twitter.