Garlic is not required to survive winter.
56 1 ReplyFound the vampire.
31 1 ReplyI'm pale because the sun sets in November.
14 0 Reply
Someone's never experienced a rough winter.
10 2 ReplyI am Canadian.
13 0 ReplyMinnesota, here. -50°F isn't common, but it happens once or twice a winter.
Winters are getting warmer, though. Might as well live in Florida, these days. The coldest it got this week was -5°F. Pathetic.
1 0 Reply
Only if you’re okay with bland soups.
5 0 ReplyThere are other spices.
2 0 Reply
Why do you think that garlic is required for winter survival? Honestly, that seems like kind of an odd connection to make
29 1 ReplyNo idea. My cousin died last month because he didn't eat enough garlic this winter.
23 0 ReplyThere are dozens of casualties. DOZENS!!
6 0 Reply
don't know about other countries, but in US and Japan, garlic is not traditionally mentioned as a winter/immunity support food.
a more likely recommendation is oranges or citrus in general, for vitamin C.
either way, humans usually survive common colds and regular influenza (in rich countries at least), so why wouldn't vampires survive it?
17 0 ReplyNor is it in Germany. I'm very confused why garlic would be necessary to survive cold weather.
22 0 Reply
Don't have to worry about survival when you're technically already dead
13 0 ReplyNice try priest but you will have to try harder than that!
9 0 ReplyThe same way people in the Americas survived without it for thousands of years.
7 0 ReplyThey drink blood I guess.
6 0 ReplyMuch like every other season, they avoid sunlight.
4 0 Reply