Our household will participate. I don't have much faith that we'll have a critical mass of people boycotting but I can't removed about it if I don't do it.
You're right, but it's a start to get more people involved and comfortable with taking action. One day is easy and manageable for anyone, but longer periods seem scary. Starting with just one day gives people a foot in the door to try more acts of resistance. When the next call comes for a longer period, it will be easier to get people on board because how much worse is seven days from one?
So, you're right. One day won't save us. One day won't solve the problem. This is not the end, but a beginning, just a first step.
I suspect that it will also just shift purchases to the days before and after.
It's a start, but I think it would be more effective if we went through some or all of March spending only the bare minimum on necessities, and only at small local businesses to the extent possible. The corporate world lives and dies by quarterly reports, so we'll get the most bang for our boycott buck by targeting those numbers specifically.
Sadly, I’m taking care of two kids, 1 wife, and 2 older parents. So if I don’t buy stuff on Friday I will probably have to buy twice as much stuff on Saturday. But, Yeah I’m in.
These protests are pressure release valves coordinated by the oligarchy. People will participate then become disillusioned why their 'protest' didn't create any change.
By comparison the Montgomery bus boycotts were 361 days.