Here is a quote from this article
“In other words, botched penis implants are no laughing matter — and people who get them deserve pity, not derision.”
Un excuse me, if anyone deserves derision for a botched pee pee enlargement procedure its space karen who shits on trans people but gets every possible form of gender affirmation care for himself.
How much did the swasticar driving, uses his own kid as a human shield and leaves him behind as he walks off stage at a fascist rally, space karen, have to bribe pay this rag to write this story making azalea banks look like the shitty person instead of the literal fucking fascist piece of shit without whom the world would be a much better place?!?
and people who get them deserve pity, not derision.”
Look, if your dick is seriously messed up then sure.
If you're just doing it out of vanity though, you can go fuck yourself. There are starving children in the world (because of the disparity in wealth) and you're wasting thousands on superficial dick surgeries?
Literally no sympathy or empathy from me. You have too much money and it's good when it comes back to bite you.
If this isn’t tongue-in-cheek, and the actual intent is to make us feel for him then they failed—because that headline combined with a picture of Musk is hilarious
The only reason I would be somewhat pleased to hear about Musk's failed penile implant is, as the richest man in the world, he can throw money at the problem to get some more advancements in this type of surgery for everyone. Even if that's not his intention.
This has a decent chance to help trans men with options for gender-affirming surgeries. Otherwise, I don't give two shits about his member.
It makes me happy to think he is so insecure with his small pecker and cant enjoy a basic life pleasure like human intimacy. I hope he got the crunchy noises stabbing pains disgusting smells and puss filled lesions on his little shrimp diq. Fuq space karen. He used his son as a literal human shield pr stunt. walked off stage without him leaving him like 30+ feet behind for some underpaid grunt to redirect/parent once his PR stunt/ human shield services were no longer required. Between Elon musk and Donald trump. Its hard to say which one of them is the most disgusting festering bag of garbage disguised as a human being.
I had an issue with my urethra and was referred to the top urologist on the west coast for surgery. Of all the things that can go wrong with the urinary tract, about half his work was repairing mangled meat left over from attempted enlargement surgeries. Given the failure rate of biologically derived dongs, the fact that he spent half his time straightening out beefstick tartar was pretty incredible.
He did a great job on me, I can pee normally and fathered a rugrat, and fortunately I've always been happy with my love lizard. Except for the brief period after surgery where he pointed out that since he'd had to remove about an inch of urethra my first few erections would be "uncomfortable". That face you are making reading that sentence is precisely right.