The present moderation is not too far from this. A lot of the subreddits are just shells of what they used to be. Most posts are purged by some reddit algorithm moderation bot. You can check this yourself with r/usenet.
I ate the onion too. This is 100% something Reddit would do - give it a year and there's a solid chance you and I will be puking that onion back up as this becomes reality.
If every comment is 'I ate the onion!,' that's just lying. It's making shit up in a way that people could easily believe it. Satire has to be more extreme than that. Failing to reach those extremes isn't commentary on the state of things; it's just bad writing.
Once again unfucking their latest efforts, to demonstrate the problem:
Facing monopoly accusations, Meta threatens to take the internet and go home
Amazon introduces "dynamic ownership" for e-books, matching real-world theft and fire rates
Assassin's Creed critics pretty sure there weren't any women in history
Grok AI 30% more likely to explain answers when told user is female
The Intel fab one is good, though; that's stupid enough to have clear intent. And honestly that Grok thing might work in real life. Satire is hard. That's no excuse.