"It does suck, because everybody kind of makes fun of the Cybertruck. To the outside person, it's kind of weird, it's ugly, whatever. Once you actually get in it, drive it, you realize it's pretty frickin' cool," he says. "It's kind of been sad, because I've been trying to prove to people that it's a really awesome truck that's not falling apart, and then mine starts to fall apart, so it's just... Yeah, it's kind of unfortunate and sad."
Parts of it. To be fair, glue is pretty common in automotive and aerospace applications. When it's used properly, it's very strong and reliable … when it's used properly.
Where? I have been working on cars for decades and worked on race cars. I have never seen body panels glued on. Zip ties, body clips, rivets, welds, but never glue.
The trim piece may not be the only part of the truck that is effectively secured only with adhesive: Tomasko says he believes other components, including the truck's quarter panels, also seem to be held on this way,
Ah yes, the "stainless steel exo skeleton"... it's just glued on, after all