How to join this religion?
40 0 Reply30 1 Reply18 0 Replysay "it was not her, it was vixen" 3 times and you are admitted
(context: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/people/skirby-imskirby)
7 0 Reply
his hands stuck to his head and he asking for help. obviously.
19 0 Reply“No this is Patrick.”
6 0 ReplyObviously, look at that pointy head. I'd recognize that anywhere
4 0 Reply
Obviously she's holding a gun in her left hand and he's begging for his life
15 0 Reply"Not my SpongeBob tac pack, please! Anything but that!"
9 0 Reply
Those thighs are near Chun Li level
14 0 ReplyI'm with ya buddy
7 0 ReplyHad to make a new gif just for this.
5 0 ReplyWhy is he doing that.
1 0 Reply
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