Yup, my own father has literally never saved 1 cent to retire. And he is a staunch R supporter, yet still plans to retire in 7 years.... I've told him countless times you literally didn't have a penny to retire without SS, but he doesn't see it....
To support the Republican party in the 21st Century is to be either completely ignorant of, and uneducated about, the history of regulations, education, labor laws, geopolitics, etc... or to be too racist, narcissistic, authoritarian or fascist to care about any of that... or to be just plain stupid.
Most Americans fall into the ignorant/uneducated camp, and are being actively brainwashed by the narcissists/fascists. They're "shocked" to learn the consequences because they're ignorant/uneducated.
My father is the quintessential baby boomer: he's retired and lives off of a federal pension and Social Security, and he's a three-time Trump voter. When I said in a recent call that I wondered if they would go after his pension or Social Security, his response was basically that his income is safe because he's already collecting on it.
He didn't have to say that he didn't care about anyone else: it was implied. I doubt he cares if anyone younger (including me) can ever can draw on the system we're paying into, because he got his.
Redcaps learning what probably so many liberals around them tried to tell them would fucking happen, but they wrote off, and voted for Bronzo the Clown anyway...