Pewdiepie built a Gaming PC, and installed Linux Mint on it!
I just think it's pretty cool that Felix, who has never really mentioned anything Linux before, chose to go with a Linux distro for the PC he put together.
Last I heard, Pewdiepie has been trying to pass it off as jokes, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck. (And whether or not he's "a nazi" deep in his heart doesn't matter. He's doing and spreading naziism.)
If he was a Nazi I don't think he'd be living in Japan. Furthermore, calling people Nazis when they're not Nazis really devalues the term. Be more intentional with your words.
He's basically a classic trait of toxic gamer, making a racist remarks towards everyone. He was never a nazi in the first place.
Back when he did Hitler joke stuff, he instantly got backlash from his own community. He recognized the mistake and stopped doing it again.
I can assure you, these people are often doing it for banter or just for edginess. Never actually hates people.
I’m from SEA region, and people in SEA online gaming community did this all the time. Mocking each other ethnic groups or nationalities, while not actually hating each other, except for small minorities of course. Making Hitler joke, N-word, and other local edgy jokes.
Not saying this is a good thing.
Again, even his fans constantly asking him to do better all the time. And he’s now a better person.
I recommend to check his video about 100 days art journey: It’s one of high-regarding art journey video that even contantly get shared and reacted among art community.
It might actually be. Linux gaming has come an awful long way thanks to Wine, Steam, Proton, Wayland, etc. Driver support is improving with or without the manufacturer's help. OpenGL's constant playing catch-up with DirectX has given way to the limitless potential of Vulkan. The web has moved almost entirely to properly open standards like WebExtensions and Canvas, and has become powerful enough that many well-known apps are literally just Electron wrappers around a HTML/Javascript core that can run on any plaform. Likewise Mono has implemented almost all of .NET and even Microsoft's own ".NET core" cross-platform (mostly so it can run on containers and cloud more effectively, not to help Linux specifically, but we'll take it) All these buzzword technologies add up to a seriously strong open source gaming ecosystem, and distros like SteamOS, Bazzite, and others are finally starting to put all these pieces together and polish them into something seriously usable as a daily driver and for gaming.
And once you've got the gamers and enthusiasts, you're on the cutting edge, you've got the tip of the spear, and the rest of the spear tends to follow where they lead. Is it happening? Too early to tell, but I wouldn't rule out the possibility. The "Year of the Linux desktop" has always been a joke, but some people weren't joking and have been seriously working on it. That work appears to be starting to really pay off. Combined with Microsoft's various Windows 11 missteps continuing to fuel the fire, a lot of people are increasingly receptive to alternatives.
Funny how the "Year of Linux" had to switch to the "Year of Desktop Linux". Any place Microsoft can not use their vendor lockin strategy, some you mention, Linux eventually dominates.
I still live in the '96 year of the Linux desktop. Red Hat hasn't enterprised yet, Debian is the scrappy new underdog, and the kernel maintainers are all young, flexible, and open to new technologies.
I love Linux because it's good for everyone -- Even insufferably annoying internet personalities who are also somewhere between 'carelessly edgy' and 'actually a fascist'. 💩💩💩💩💩
Saw this stop when watching the video yesterday. He mentioned it one earlier in his ad read which I totally missed (thank sponsor block), but noticed it too when I saw the desktop. Personally think this is great, if someone has a big reach it's Pewdiepie, though I doubt he'd ever make a video on it, but he might mention it here and there. Either way, great more people are realizing what a breeze Linux is.
Ohhh. He used linux on it? I saw the thumbnail, but figured I didnt eant to see a compute build be chained down my windows. Time to actually give it a watch now