you shouldn't worry about being skinny, only not being fat. the goal should be to avoid the bad thing (being fat, in this case meaning only fat to the point of unhealthiness) not to be the opposite because that is bad too (being excessively skinny can cause just as many issues). as long as you aren't at the point one way or the other where it is hurting your health nobody actually cares. also I'm aware op was joking but some of y'all need to hear this.
More broad attention to these three rough categories is going to be way more positive than worrying about the single metric of weight or BMI. Doctors may recommend a raise or lowering of weight, but for ALMOST EVERY person that’s only as a means to the end of improving one or more of the broader cardio, energy, and immunity mechanisms.
Feels like a pyramid to me. If I don't have good sleep and good hydration I struggle mightily to control my food intake, and if I'm eating too much then I'm aching so badly and feeling so sluggish that I barely get anywhere at the gym.
To add to this: pretty much nobody thinks skinny people are attracted. It's a constructed ideal that many want to achieve, but few want to see in a potential partner.
Source: used to be skinny and bullied for it
Btw it also feels like shit. You're tired all the time, you're cold all the time, when you sit on something solid, like wood, it hurts because there's no fat between your pelvis and the chair, and that'll give you back pain.
Just thought this was relevant because 'it's unhealthy' is sometimes too abstract for people to care
This has been my tactic for the last few years. Doesn't work for everyone, like my ex spouse couldn't handle it. I keep rough track of calories and if I have a craving for trash I either eat less of it and supplement with low calorie stuff to still feel full, or do a bunch of extra exercise that day
Conversely, though, remember that unhealthy nutritional choices can mess with your immunity, cause inflammation, and really screw with your day-to-day energy and sleep. Nutrition is always a story performed on a much more complicated stage than weight=calories in - calories out! (Though that equation is a good signpost that guides the plot.) See
You could also replace "skinny" with young here. I was skinny and athletic when I was young, and now I'm slightly overweighted less athletic working WAY more to keep down my weight and health good and damn I'd be so happy to be able to chuck down a kebab a day still 😭
Sort of, but skinny when older still makes it easier to be happy. I am only 41 so far, but in hanging out with people older than me, it still held pretty consistent for them.
The main problem, of course, is that losing weight (or not putting it on in the first place) is not straightforward. So many people will tell you to "just simply..." not how it works. It's complex as hell and varies a surprising amount from person to person. You could go to multiple experts for help before finding a solution for everything that was in your way specifically. But everyone acts like it should just be a simple thing "you just aren't balancing your input and output", or whatever their one simple trick is.
There could be any of hundreds of things in the way.
It will give you at best a brief moment of pleasure, but the pain it will bring later is not worth it!
It's not just ONE burger--that is yet another burger. An element of self-harm, another step on a journey that takes you FURTHER away from who you want to be! Don't take it! Draw the line! Let this be the moment you STOPPED the trek toward ruin!
Skipping this one is not depriving you, you've had them before; they're old news. You know what's GREAT news though? Being able to tie your own shoe laces. Being able to WIPE YOUR OWN ASS. Being able to climb a set of stairs without feeling like you're about to die. Being able to stand in place without becoming out of breath. Be grateful that you have not crossed those thresholds because YOU STOPPED NOW.