There’s a peculiar form of blindness that comes from prolonged safety. Like a frog in slowly heating water, people who have known only stability become incapable of recognizing existential th…
"[...] what we’re witnessing now is the systematic dismantling of this entire architecture of peace—not through external defeat, but through internal surrender"
"This" crisis? Where the fuck were you motherfuckers eight years ago? How the fuck did we get BACK here?
Living under this bullshit is insane enough but having everyone be like "oh gosh this is bad, isn't it" is doubly insanerating. YES. WE KNEW THIS ALREADY. WHY ARE WE HERE AGAIN.
Where were they two decades ago? Oh yeah, passing the Patriot Act to trample on our rights and authorizing the Iraq War to kill hundreds of thousands abroad. Now they uphold Bush as a shining example of a good republican. Honestly, with all the shit the US has been doing to the world over the decades, maybe it eating itself is not actually a crisis.
I get it. You're coming up in the equivalent of GHWBush and the first egregious Gulf War. Democrats are ineffective at best, incompetent and buffonish most of the time, and often jump the fence and do the exact opposite of what you want them to do sometimes. Particularly when there's a lot of flag-waving going on.
But I'm here to tell you it's not like that now. Back then, or even in the Gee Dubz horror years, there was no AOC or The Squad or Bernie or (well, yes there was Bernie but he got no press. That's a whole other story.) and there sure as hell wasn't real-time communication between actual Democrats as to what the fuck the party thinks it's doing.
I'm saying that we're pissing away a huge battleship, already gassed up and outfitted, because a bunch of russia-influenced twits who just put down Das Kapital and have less than zero experience with the machine that is the US Government, thinks Democrats bad.
I hope that some day the GOP will be like the Nazi and the Confederates. We will not have their flags hung over schools, or wear their emblems openly in public.
The thing about the confeds is that there were multiple generations that were brought up to revere them in very large swathes of the US. And that’s a core part of how the fuck we got here in the first place.
Interesting fact…
If you go through Department of War records, there are no medals of any type issued to Soldiers from the south. Wanna know why? Cause they were never part of the US Military, they were a rebellion that attempted to change, attack, and suppress the law of the land using violence and force.