Was on a flight a few months ago, and when we landed, no clapping - dead quiet. Out of the silence, I heard a, what must have been, six year old shout really loudly "WE DID IT!".
that 6 year old clearly needs to learn the importance of silence. A commercial airliner deserves no praise, flights are no more special than train rides or bus rides.
I learned clapping was unappreciated the day of this week's plane crash, that I was scheduled to land at same airport that day. My reply is that us normal people are just happy to land upright. We all clapped when landing the next day.
I wonder who doesn't like your comment. This clapping shit is so cringe. Maybe under some very difficult conditions. But hey, they're trained for it? And I'm pretty sure they do it for themselves too lol
Also.... Why would you get into one of those things?
In a plane, you are the crumple zone.
For business just teleconference.
For personal, I can tell you that photos tell the story pretty well. There are people there already taking the photos. You don't need a selfie there, just use the Gimp. For everything else in the modern world, it all looks pretty close to how it looks at home.
There's no need to travel. Specially within your country. Its not like high speed trains are any safer. And cars...what's next the entire planet is a big ass road?