Democratic leadership announced their plans to play the 2013 Katy Perry song “Roar” very loud in response to the aggressive start of President Donald Trump’s second term.
They can't do anything except block and delay bills.
They can't filibuster cabinet picks or court confirmations. They can filibuster bills but the only bill in the process of discussion is the federal budget and the Republicans win whether it doesn't pass and shuts down the federal governments or it does pass and cuts a trillion in benefits that help american working class so they can cut taxes for the rich.
America is experiencing a fascist dictatorship and you want the only party speaking against it to just stand by because the system doesn't allow them to do anything??
How about FUCK THE SYSTEM!!! Trump and his cronies don't care about it. You're not going to beat wanna-be dictators with 0 disregard for the law by doing everything by the book.
Block the doors to the house and Senate rooms, encourage and participate in civil disobedience, get operatives to physically block Elon and his felons from illegally accessing extremely sensitive data about America's allies and citizens. Loudly and passionately call out every anti-democracy, anti-American, and anti-human act that Trump and his gang are doing and explain exactly how it's going to enrich them and other billionaires and how it's going to seriously harm everyone else. Encourage and work with grassroots organisations across the country to gum up the MAGA Republican works.
The Democratic party leadership are should be the leaders of a movement defending against the destruction of America and it's allies from within the country's highest positions of power for the benefit of a small few wealthy and powerful people. This is a historical moment that is very likely to lead to the suffering and deaths of countless human beings within America and around the world, and could possibly lead to a world war the likes of which we have never seen. I want them to fucking ACT like it.
They need to do more than read dry, impassionate speeches and post boring tweets. America is dying and if the country is expecting the system to save them then chances are they're already lost.
A few weeks back a bunch of Democratic Congresspeople went to the Department of Education with a whole media circus in tow, and were blocked from entering by a single small man, who couldn't have weighed more than 150lbs soaking wet, who claimed to be hired by Musk and working for the federal government despite not providing any ID. The Democrats gave up and left.
Like fucking what? Are you kidding me? You are members of Congress! Just fucking push past him! Either that security guard has the authority to keep you out, in which case they'd have to go through the terrible fucking optics of arresting a sitting congressperson for accessing a government building, or he doesn't actually have the authority in which case you have a duty to tell him to fuck off.
Yeah exactly they are too comfortable taking no for an answer. They should have even asked permission they should have barged in. If they were truly representing me that's what they would do. Any kind of confrontation and they just cave.
As much as I agree with the sentiment, it's not going to be elected Democrats putting their bodies and personal freedom on the line; what we need are more Anarchists, and support for Anarchists.
The closest thing I have to a point is that on a Federal level, the Democratic party is a corpse. At best I think it could be resurrected as the supporting "acceptable" political wing of a larger movement that also includes a direct action wing that actually sets the movement's agenda. But I'm afraid that's just as much of a fantasy as the idea of pampered technocrats standing up to get their heads bashed in by US Marshalls.
They cannot obstruct cabinet picks or judge appointments, since 2013 and 2017 respectively.
They can obstruct bills such as the new budget proposal by fillibuster, but that will cause government shutdown and the Republicans win either way, tbh. (I think they should filibuster it, but I expect people like you to complain either way).
I mean if the Dems can't even try to resist then they are guilty by association. They have just rolled over. Look at how well the Republicans did against Clinton or Obama when they were the minority. The Dems share the blame here.
And we can be mad at them for not doing their jobs while Trump and Musk use the American constitution to wipe their asses. They had the presidency and the majority, got us nothing but status quo, and now are doing jack shit to stop a Fascist takeover.
Democrats are currently holding meetings crying about the pressure they’re getting from their constituents. If those spineless pieces of shit are who you’re expecting to turn this shit storm around, you’re going to get smacked in the face with reality really fast.
What are democrats doing now? Nothing? Oh, and you think I should support that?
Your bullshit “SUPPORT THE DEMS NO MATTER WHAT” is the exact reason we are where we are today.
The conservatives just gave a master class on what you can do if you want to take power. Democrats could do the same things conservatives did and not lie and they would still be able to retake the government.
Instead, they're throwing pity parties. And why not? It's not like they're going to be loaded up on the train. They got enough money to live comfortably, even in fascist America.
Turned out great up to now.
Turns out the evil orange man isn't 'genociding the Palestinians even harder'.
The moronic reasoning these selfrightious libs tried to use as an incentive for voting for the other side of the uniparty.
They are only upset out of selfish reasons now it affects them too, not the rest of the world that would be droned and exploited just the same by a dem POS president.
That country can go to hell and I'm enjoying it tremendously.
I am real fun and loved by all. None of my friends like the imperialist US (or their genocider friends Isntreal) either.
A, I really don't give a shit about what the echo chambers feelies are or how petty you are about a little arrow and a number.
For as long as the regime doesn't censor me for an unwanted opinion like the big socials do (how free and sooo western values!) I will continue to call all the POS out for what they are.
And then watch them cope and seethe when they invariably lose an argument and they have to resort to insults out of impotence and frustration.
That's what I love seeing.
All the collaborators and bootlickers crying.
Quickly go run to the mods! A dissenter is going against the only approved narrative, make it go away!