Democratic leadership announced their plans to play the 2013 Katy Perry song “Roar” very loud in response to the aggressive start of President Donald Trump’s second term.
They can't do anything except block and delay bills.
They can't filibuster cabinet picks or court confirmations. They can filibuster bills but the only bill in the process of discussion is the federal budget and the Republicans win whether it doesn't pass and shuts down the federal governments or it does pass and cuts a trillion in benefits that help american working class so they can cut taxes for the rich.
America is experiencing a fascist dictatorship and you want the only party speaking against it to just stand by because the system doesn't allow them to do anything??
How about FUCK THE SYSTEM!!! Trump and his cronies don't care about it. You're not going to beat wanna-be dictators with 0 disregard for the law by doing everything by the book.
Block the doors to the house and Senate rooms, encourage and participate in civil disobedience, get operatives to physically block Elon and his felons from illegally accessing extremely sensitive data about America's allies and citizens. Loudly and passionately call out every anti-democracy, anti-American, and anti-human act that Trump and his gang are doing and explain exactly how it's going to enrich them and other billionaires and how it's going to seriously harm everyone else. Encourage and work with grassroots organisations across the country to gum up the MAGA Republican works.
The Democratic party leadership are should be the leaders of a movement defending against the destruction of America and it's allies from within the country's highest positions of power for the benefit of a small few wealthy and powerful people. This is a historical moment that is very likely to lead to the suffering and deaths of countless human beings within America and around the world, and could possibly lead to a world war the likes of which we have never seen. I want them to fucking ACT like it.
They need to do more than read dry, impassionate speeches and post boring tweets. America is dying and if the country is expecting the system to save them then chances are they're already lost.
I mean if the Dems can't even try to resist then they are guilty by association. They have just rolled over. Look at how well the Republicans did against Clinton or Obama when they were the minority. The Dems share the blame here.
Democrats are currently holding meetings crying about the pressure they’re getting from their constituents. If those spineless pieces of shit are who you’re expecting to turn this shit storm around, you’re going to get smacked in the face with reality really fast.
What are democrats doing now? Nothing? Oh, and you think I should support that?
Your bullshit “SUPPORT THE DEMS NO MATTER WHAT” is the exact reason we are where we are today.
The conservatives just gave a master class on what you can do if you want to take power. Democrats could do the same things conservatives did and not lie and they would still be able to retake the government.
Instead, they're throwing pity parties. And why not? It's not like they're going to be loaded up on the train. They got enough money to live comfortably, even in fascist America.
Genuinely curious what people want the Democrats to specifically do right now, apart from vague calls of "something" and "more" and "better." At least on a federal level, aren't they pretty much powerless at this point? What even can they do?
I mean, I'm not an expert by any means but haven't the republicans been able to very efficiently stifle democrat majorities before? If they just follow that playbook (delaying things, being pains in the ass, constant insistence on funky rules) they can at least annoy the shit out of them and hopefully slow things down. They're way too polite for that tho, they'd rather just let it happen and hope they come out okay in the end then to risk the wrath of the annoying orange and his minions.
One thing they could do is stop voting with republicans to confirm Trump's appointees. Have you seen. how well the Republicans obstruct? They can get everybody in their rank and file out on network TV to call for banning a book by title while the democrats can't even get their best faces on TV to call what's happening with NY's mayor blatant quid pro quo corruption
Democrats need to pass progressive reform to win. Republicans need to stop progressive reform to win. They're playing different games.
For example, Republicans are gutting Medicaid and Medicare in their new budget proposal and the only thing Dems can do is block the bill which will defund those programs regardless.
Not lining up to bend over for republicans would be nice a nice start. Even a quarter the obstructionism as the republican party has put forth when Democrats are in charge would be appreciated.
Figure out what they stand for, stated in two sentences. (From that old chestnut that says that you don't understand a thing if you can't explain it in two sentences, or less.)
Learn from the experts (PR people, psychologists, neuroscientists, screenwriters, etc.) how to state it in ways that resonate with people.
Then, do it. Convince all of us that they care, and are trying. Build coalitions around the message, and strengthen civil society.
The greatest damage from this administration's lawlessness does not come from tearing down government agencies, it's the corrosive effect of hopelessness in the minds and hearts of the citizens as we look around and feel like we're alone, and that nobody else actually cares about our laws, traditions, and principles.
The next real test will probably be the budget vote in the House. Post-Trump Republicans have historically been unable to pass budgets without democrat help, even when they had a majority, so one thing democrats can do is squeeze the GOP dry for concessions before helping them pass the next budget.
My interpretation: the right is broadly successful because they are presenting a compelling narrative to explain the problems in America. It's "elites" in business, government (deep state), and schools that are pushing an unamerican agenda of "wokeness", using immigrants to gain power, and indoctrinating through schools and universities. This is enough to get people to vote right because at least the right is doing something to address their concerns.
What the Democrats need to do, is present a more compelling narrative. They can't just be the "non-maga" party. They have to actually address people's concerns about economic insecurity and present a vision for the future. I remain convinced that the first president that runs on economic populism will sweep an election.
Yeah, I remember in 2016 when the Hillary campaign's response to "Make America Great Again" was "America is Already Great" and man did that go over like a lead balloon. Democrats fucking love to pretend everything is okay.
Vote no on everything like Republicans did when Obama/Biden tried good things
Filibuster every bill like Republicans
Give motivated members of Congress more power, like AOC
Retire the old blood of the DNC and have people with ideas from after 1982 enter office (my state allows office vacancies to be filled by appointment until election)
Listen to the Americans who voted for you to stop Trump and stop whining about that in private meetings
Stop voting yes on anything Trump wants
Don't ratfuck young faces because they are running in seats with old people
Don't say everything is okay and normal despite the fact it's clearly not, it didn't work both times they ran on it as a platform
All great ideas. Have you mentioned them to the Democrats? They are depressingly poll-driven, but it's probably worth directly reaching out. My local congress people are probably sick of my shit by now, but if so -- good.
Onion aside, what bothers me is that it is in the interest of many key party members to take a more aggressive stance. Trump and the GOP have vilified individuals like Pelosi.
When the majority of average Americans start feeling the shock from the changes that are being made Trump is going to want a scapegoat. No one is better suited for this purpose than key party members that he has been brainwashing people to believe are literal devil spawn. He has even threatened to execute certain people. Unless you have an escape plan(wouldn't be surprised if some do), surely you must realize that this is an eventuality?
sure. I dont think that should bother you. Lets take Schumer as an example. Read his wikipedia page and look at his "accomplishments" over an entire career. He's never stood up and pushed hard for a single thing his whole life. He's never led a charge. Is he not worthy of being pilloried as an impediment to progress? And Pelosi, she has fought AOC and Talib much harder than she ever fought republicans. She's grown very rich on insider trading, and fought hard against the imposition of ethics in that regard. Is that true or is it not?
Both championed war crimes, along with Biden. True or not?
These people were always opportunists taking advantage of us. That the republicians also hate them is coincidental, not an applicable defense of how awful they have been in failing to lead the party over time.
Nancy Pelosi, the most successful stock trader ever? Oh wait, I forget she's a congressperson. Why should she care? You really think she's on our side?
I'm so sick of all this "they(GOP) did this to us" language. The DNC is just as complicit in this as the GOP. It's not about red vs blue or any of that bullshit. It's haves vs havenots. It's the rich vs the rest of us. It's "get mine at the expense of anyone else".
It's simple: either they don't want to stop this or they are powerless to do so. Either way they're useless. Fuck the Democratic Party. A true left party needs to replace it.
Would we be shocked if Trump made an EO that reduced Congress to an advisory role? Would our leaders do anything at that point? SCOTUS and Congress will advise the Executive branch only. Whatcha gonna do about that, Schumer and Thune?
Oh, so they've finally decided to do anything at all? I wish this wasn't the Onion, because I'm really starting to think the democrats got what they wanted when he was elected.
Jeezus, they need to only have people under the age of 50 to revitalize any messaging. An anthem from a washed up pop star celeb is not going to do shit. Celebs are a turn off. The election not 3 months ago proved that.