I mean, and I didn't track all his campaign promises and what he delivered on or not, but JT said he'd legalise weed, he did. If the Libs say they'll invest in modern high-speed rail and double the CBC budget, and they only partially follow through on one? Still better than PP would do. He'd cut CBC funding, send it to far right "media".
"CBC will never be controlled by Musk or Zuckerberg. It will never belong to billionaire tech oligarchs. It will always belong to the people of Canada," she said,
The lower the funding for the CBC, the more at risk of losing our jobs we are. There's a hidden premise that as CBC funding decreases, right wing propaganda increases to fill the voids, which leads to more unemployment and depressed wages long-term. So counterintuitively, more money to the CBC should derisk our jobs. Up to a point of course. 🥹