I was born into a conservative family where hitting was the solution to basically every parenting dilemma. Long story short, I spent my life being exploited by everyone and gas lighted about it.
After therapy, I found out I'm asd, ADHD, cptsd, BPD, with anxiety and obviously depression.
I was born into conservatism and beaten to unquestioningly stay. The longer I'm out, the father left I've gone to the point I see the US has -always- been a fascist imperial attack dog of the world banks.
We don't go after dictators because we can't be the world police but any time a small country goes left of selling kids into slavery the US economically cripples it.
The general public -wants- to be led. They don't -want- to be a functional part of democracy.
I've actually gotten into office specifically because of a corrupt official. I got the most resistance from the law and order dipshits that couldn't believe -their guy- was breaking the law.
I live in one of the smartest states in the country and the overwhelming majority of the general public and elected officials operate on auto pilot knowing little beyond what the day to day calls for.
Education is basically rote memorization of authorized paradigms with little room to question the basic operating assumptions are wrong. The first surgeon to suggest washing hands was laughed out of his practice and died of sepsis in an institution.
Little has changed.
We have brains that spent 2 million years in caves eating berries that spent the last few hundred dressing stupid and paying taxes to maintain a society that's become so comfortable it's collapsing under its own incompetence to detect or resist it's suicidal self extinction for the enrichment of a handful.
People aren't too busy to understand they're being fucked, but they don't have time to understand why or how so they listen to all the monied interests that tell them how to feel about what they let them know is happening.
Brief complaints like we're "being fucked" are agreed with but don't establish anything. Detailed complaints that explain the depth of the grievance are called manifestos to delegitimize whatever is said. Length and complexity make them easy to ignore and disregard.
There's so many problems and people are just dumb, lazy, exhausted, gullible, or just not able to understand everything is ultimately one giant problem actively maintained to keep the masses so busy chasing their asses they haven't seen this shit coming for the last 100 years.
It's not that Trump is breaking norms.
It's not that Democrats are captured resistance slow walking us right and refusing to stop him.
It's not that the election was stolen and Democrats certified everything without zero resistance. (Seriously, if you don't understand this look into election truth alliance.)
It's not McConnell, Reagan, Nixon, Eisenhower, or any one act or individual.
You can look back to the business plot 100 years ago. Or the communist manifesto 200 years ago.
The Western world was built on the wealth extracted from the third world via imperialism and capitalism. Now that wealth is further being consolidated into the hands of even fewer.
You can't buy a cell phone that wasn't built with slave labor. Fair Phone tired. It's not possible.
How many people know that? How many people care?
As long as it's ok people are exploited as long as we just don't see it, nothing will change. By the time we can see it, we can't change it because it's us.
Assume there isn't an unholy union of accelerationist evangelicals and dystopian feudaltechno lords. (Seriously, Musk is going to use gitmo to test brain implants on detainees and protestors.) Further, assume enough people see through the 5 layer dip of bullshit that is MSM, strike, refuse to power the death cult and want change...
Give the Democrats power? They can't manage shit with a majority yet also can't stop Republicans with a tie. The primary goal of the DNC is to sand band actual leftist policies that benefit people by raising taxes on the rich.
Fundamentally, democracy doesn't work because most people are content being worthless morons that didn't understand how essential facets of civilization work.
Capitalism has an intrinsic motivation to undermine democracy at every step because educated workers want benefits and safety regulations and clean water.
At the end of the day, every American is propagandized from birth to think only of themself and any kind of tax is theft and socialism. There are like 9 Americans that know what socialism means and the rest just get angry and shoot at schools.
Capitalism produced the Idiocracy fucktards it wanted and now everything will crumble because no one will want to come up with a better idea.
Hang in there! I know it may sound impossible, but you can live through this. Enjoy your life with your daughter and pets. Fill your life with their happiness. I hope you feel loved.
If the pain is too much and you feel like you can't carry it anymore, please try to get professional help.
To my neighbours in the South, the current trajectory isn't a foregone conclusion. You still have time to act as a whole. Don't sit back, engage. Signed, a neighbour from the North.
USA is no old lady. It's an old slaver master. Put a whip in her hand at least. It really helps explain the current situation to have a realistic understanding of the past.