probably there would be no challenges for Satan in hell. Those souls would already belong to Satan. Any "day" Satan would have in hell would be a bad day.
Satan would have good days among us, the living. Tempting us. Imagine how much fun Satan would have now with a little influence in White House: Now, you should invade Canada and take Gaza, don't you think?
Uhhhhhh.......pretty sure Gaza isn't in Canada, little dude! Pretty sure they have sand over there. Maybe check Nevada. The part that isn't Las Vegas. Or maybe it IS in Las Vegas! One time I went to Las Vegas, and got lost in New York City. You never know WHAT city you'll find in Las Vegas!
This is actually something that happened in real life. Some white grandma sent out a Thanksgiving invite, to presumably her family, but entered a wrong number.
Some black kid replied and said "Can I come anyways?"
And the grandma said "SURE!"
So now every year at Thanksgiving he goes to her house for dinner. In the first photo the kid is like 16. But they posted a new photo every year. He's close to 30 now, still doing this. It's tradition at this point.
What I'm saying here is, Kathy can go to hell, and she BETTER bring mashed potatoes!