He suffered the same fate that any Republican will who stops kissing Trump's feet. Pence is a fucking nutbag but even he refused to stand behind Trump's shitfuckery at the end. Now he's been ostracized.
The people who unfortunately have to get government updates from the place. After Facebook became a pain, Twitter became (for a while, when you didn't have to log in) a pretty decent way to update people on things like roadworks or weather warnings.
Joking for real, or seriously for real? The vast majority of people that used twitter are still using twitter. This applies to users in the united states, of course, but it especially applies to those in the entire rest of the world, where elon's shit largely hasn't crossed the culture/language barrier, or doesn't matter to people.
an American permutation of the CCP’s WeChat app model where the American government has final and singular authority to monitor and surveil all payments, domestic travel and communications of American citizens.
I know things are defcon level insane,but reading that, the as is way they phrase and apply the terms, by someone with that specific set of skills, makes things sound (they are) so much more malicious.
Welcome to America 2.0 : death to america, hello network state.
The first step would probably be to try and revoke their tax exempt non profit status. But I'm confident the Signal Foundation would at that point just move to another jurisdiction. Maybe Canada, Switzerland or something like that.
It is, but Signal and Matrix aren't really all that similar. Matrix's privacy is pretty atrocious. It stores tons of meta data about users all over the place. That's the exact opposite of what Signal does.
Matrix leaks a ton of metadata and for normal users the clients are still very much in the sucking phase. Signal being centralized changes nothing about its security when the freaking servers can't see anything about the messages. It literally is the most secure way to communicate out there, period.
Thanks; is leaking metadata just a consequence of the decentralized nature or is it something specific to how Matrix was made? Maybe I'll try out Signal (I've been looking for some alternatives) but I don't like how they're based in America/5 Eyes, even if they are encrypted.
Because its a more user friendly experience. Your grandma can use it with no hustle. Matrix is more complicated UX and also much slower and buggier (at least if you use Element and matrix.org). Ive actually started to prefer Delta Chat over Matrix.
It's more private and secure, and it's easier to use/recommend.
Matrix stores all metadata, and most all of it makes it's way to the matrix.org (default instance) server and is subject to dragnet subpoenas. It's also complicated to use, incredibly slow, and resource-intensive.
Free speech readings, increasing! Liberty levels, maximum! Freedom metrics, exploding!!! IMA BUSSSS!!!!.....oh nvm, the techno-fascist douchebag was a lying hypocrite the whole time.
I wish europe banned anhy of the american social media, my applications would finally have a chance. But europeans won't do that because they are huge pussies when it comes to americans. Unlike the chinese who created a whole internet universe for themselves, and they don't even bother translating it to english anymore