Utah’s Republican governor has signed a collective bargaining ban that experts are calling one of the most restrictive labor laws in the country, despite overwhelming opposition from union members.
He included police unions? He's fucked. Republican voters don't give a crap about teachers or firefighters, but he messed with the cops that they vehemently pretend to support.
They originally tried to exempt police unions but were told that would be too blatantly illegal and the whole thing would be struck down, so they did this instead.
My money is the police unions will just ignore this; or even more on brand, they'll invent some new with that just means collective bargaining, but only for police.
I think the Presudwbtsxrejease of rioters who attacked police officers on Capitol Hill made it pretty clear to cops that the GOP was never actually on their side.
Police departments don’t hire “quality candidates“. They use IQ and personality tests to keep smart people excluded from the job, and for good reason: they want brutal authoritarians who will follow orders without question.
Police are not exploited workers. They’re armed agents of the state who have far more power than the average citizen. Most other developed nations have completely banned police unions to prevent them from amassing too much power. And that’s exactly what they do here.
My opinion is that over time, some unions get too powerful and start getting unreasonable demands met. Then they need some kind of break up or what not. This would be a way to do that I suppose. Though there must be a better way.
I think the police union has crossed over the tipping point. But I don’t think I would back this approach either.
The postal service is unable to legally strike. They struck in the 70s (?) illegally and got tons of concessions and no one went to prison for it. Seems like teachers could do something similar. We wouldn’t miss cops and, unfortunately, firefighters also wouldn’t be missed (we still love them, unlike cops).
I’m super pro union but your arguments are sloppy.
In 1981 Reagan fired and banned for life over 11,000 striking Air Traffic controllers. People sadly haven’t forgotten.
Without cops, what does a person assaulted or burgled do? How are the 20K+ murders a year investigated? Firefighters? They respond primarily to medical emergency. And about a million fire incidents a year.
I agree with your sentiment but they know what will happen sadly. Back in 1981, Reagan fired all 11,353 air traffic controllers who were “illegally” striking. He also banned them for life from working for the Fed Govt.
Isn't that functionally banning unions altogether? Collective bargaining is the whole purpose of a union...
Not familiar with American union laws, but that's protected federally is it not? (aside from the fact that this administration isn't 'protecting' anything, let alone unions)
Before unions, it was the style at the time to go to the boss and ask for a raise by saying “hey boss, give us a raise, or we’ll burn your fucking factory down”
I feel like people forgot that this was the compromise.
If they'd like us to go back to dragging the boss out of his home in the middle of the night and beating him to death in front of his family I'm cool with that.
Unions, collective bargaining and striking were illegal, to begin with. People actually skipped work and meals to strike, form unions, and radically protest to give us these things. Before pto, unemployment insurance, and social safety nets existed.
Make sure to clearly advertise the dates of the strike. So we can be especially cautious on those days. Especially around government buildings. That would just be awful and unfair if the people that passed the ban were directly affected.
That was really fucking stupid of them, you reward your foot soldiers just well enough to make them trust the system enough to defend it with their lives against their own class.
You let the cop "union" thrive and they'll kick every teacher to death on their overtime pay with gusto.
they're downright fucking evil, a hideous example of what a union should be doing. they protect the worst of the worst and keep the city and force paying for their bullshit. and they show no solidarity to other unions.
Time for these cretins to get a history lesson first hand on why there are labor laws in this country. Why there is a forty hour work week. Why there is collective bargaining. Why its keeping them(the management) alive.
Narrator: it won't. They are too far gone with the indoctrination. They'll lament and get back in line, to cheer for the next one who got fucked that isn't them
You forgot that they'll also all go to Church on the weekend and tell each other what good people they are. Was it not Jesus who said, "No unions on my watch, pal."