Though if you see what the poster generally posts (they tend to post very frequently), their memes almost always lean on misogyny when they involve a woman. Just do a quick view of their recent posts (like this one from 3 days ago).
I dont think they try to promote healthy relationships between men and women. I think their posts tend to be vaguely misogynistic, just enough vague so that they dont raise many eyebrows.
Your punishment is already that you can't healthily enjoy the company of a woman and that you can't post anything other than unfunny boomer Facebook memes; what else do you want?
You could just not be in a relationship if you don't like your partner, or talk to them if you want to work on communicating. "Please punish me." Like, you don't need to ask. Just leave 🤣
The uncommunicative wife/oblivious husband stereotypes have existed for longer than I can remember. Is there any validity to them? They don’t seem like particularly healthy ways to deal with a problem.
I donno, Ive had this kind of 'fight' with my now wife pretty often. Im 30 now. She would ignore me or 'make it obvious' shes angry and I would go about my day. I told her again and again that I wouldnt play these stupid games and eventually she started discussing with me when she has a problem with something. She got it from her mother, thats how they dealt with problems in her family.
Here's my hypothesis. Relationships have historically (with some exceptions) been patriarchal and dominating. Men held power in society, but still needed women. So emotionally absent, toxic, authoritarian men looking for women, not for real companionship, but for reproduction and to have a servant basically. Women being forced into this role couldn't openly express their issues without facing abuse so this culture of body language and subtle communication developed. This purely utilitarian and authoritarian style of relationship has been degrading in place of relationships built on mutual love and desire, but we still are influenced by how our parents treated each other, and each generation is slowly breaking away from this tradition. Some individuals more than others.
But this is not based on any sort of research or anything. This is my own uneducated guess and should be taken as such.
You have no idea. A friend of mine is going through a failed marriage. The husband’s mom thinks everything would just be fine if my friend was more “submissive” and just put up with the husband’s aggressive, temperamental, immature bullshit. The mom has been a doormat her whole life, and wonders why my friend can’t simply throw her self respect away and do the same. It’s equal parts infuriating and sad.
First of all the shit post is a JOKE that's why it's a shit post. Stereotypes only exist because they have some basis in fact. In general, NOT ALL, men are less talkative than women. It doesn't make men or women bad.... it just is
“I’m Gonna Miss Her” is a single released by Brad Paisley as the second single off of his album Part II. The song reached the top of the Billboard Hot Country songs chart.
The song describes a man who goes fishing a lot. He is confronted by his wife at home after one of the fishing trips where she tells him that he has to choose between her or the fishing. The song then describes how Brad is “gonna miss her”, the listener can then figure out that Brad choose fishing over his wife.
According to a 2004 issue of Country Weekly magazine, Brad said he co-wrote the song with Frank Rogers in high school during a talent contest where he decided to write a comedy song instead of the ballads he was writing prior.^[[1] https://genius.com/Brad-paisley-im-gonna-miss-her-lyrics]