Such beauty
Such beauty
Such beauty
Why couldn’t it be the other kind of slurmaid? With the fish part on top, and the slug part on bottom?
"Under the sea why not?"
That Slurmaid sure knows how to party!
Wimmy wham wham wozzle!
I know the pun here, but my mind just went to a crass, horrible mermaid that just casually drops slurs.
I would also watch that movie.
Hail king Posfrydon.
Is the maid.. you know.. politically correct?
I mean the skin color is on point except for that Gross colored arm lol
The original Ariel was always The Original Party Worm.
I think this is a commentary replacing majority white productions to include minorities, but if you take a quick look: every female character has been replaced by a male character, none in the reverse. Mom could easily serve as Ursula, or Leela as King Triton, since Fry is decidedly not badass, but here we are.
I can't speak for the comment OP, but personally, I thought the comment was about being able to read it as "slur"-maid, implying they would be using slurs in the movie.
Well then, good news! It's a suppository.