Beyond all this, the wish to be alone:
However the sky grows dark with invitation-cards
However we follow the printed directions of sex
However the family is photographed under the flag-staff -
Beyond all this, the wish to be alone.
Beneath it all, the desire for oblivion runs:
Despite the artful tensions of the calendar,
The life insurance, the tabled fertility rites,
The costly aversion of the eyes away from death -
Beneath it all, the desire for oblivion runs.
It's just escapism on my part. And if we're honest, with whoever would do it with today's technology it would probably turn out the same way. EDIT: Schrödinger's brain
I probably wouldn't do copies though, original brain is my priority. I would really need to trust/respect the organization requesting it, it'd need a really good reason, and I'd need assurances.
Long known but never read that series though, I have aphantasia (on top of other things) so am not much of a reader.
Yea, I feel a lot of people think therapists are doing a bad job when they "don't believe you" when all they're doing is trying to figure out if you're one of the lying "I'm definitely suicidal :D shoots self next day" types.
I've suffered from chronic ideation pretty much my whole life and I'm reasonably confident that I don't want to and wouldn't actually attempt to kill myself. I've tried to make that clear to my therapist and for the most part I think he understands but whenever it comes up it's hard not to get annoyed at the time I feel like we're wasting talking about it.
That said, looking at it from his perspective, I can see why he'd want to get ahead of it and take it seriously. It might even be a matter of career security as I wouldn't be surprised if clients committing suicide can interfere with them getting their licenses renewed or something.
I have nothing but sympathy for your plight. I hope you feel better and the ideations are, at the very least, subdued. (Hopefully entirely eliminated at some point).
Only once was I in such a bad place to have ideations. I got out of that place and it's incredibly brave to experience that and continue on in spite of it. It's something that most people don't understand until they live through it at least once. I don't assume what worked for me would work for you. I am not a doctor or medical professional. I hope your medical support team has helped you and I hope they continue to help you.
All that being said, I'm the kind of person who doesn't have any strong feelings about ceasing to exist. I don't want to die; dying sounds like a horrible, painful, and unpleasant experience. I don't seek death at all, and thankfully, at least for now, I do not have any ideations. However, if I were to suddenly stop existing as a living person, I am not opposed to it as a concept.
For me, and people like me, it's more apathy and indifference to living, than it is a wanton desire to not be alive.
The two are very very different.
None of this should diminish the fact that some struggle with a desire to continue to live at all. For those who fight those thoughts: please, get help if you have not already done so. There are people who care about you and want good things for you. If you can't bring yourself to do it for yourself, then do it for them. You are valuable. You are worthy.
Physics. An object at rest will remain so unless acted upon by another force.
You are the object. Your mind directs the action of your body. Your mind is ok being at rest. It feels good. Unless your spirit moves you beyond inaction you won’t do shit.
Seriously though. If I die, I don't have any strong feelings about that. I do however, have strong feelings about how I die. I don't want to go out from some drug overdose, starvation, by getting crushed by gravity (fall damage), or in some violent crime.
But if I can just blink out of existence.... That's okay with me. Get hit by a train and turned into mist, okay. Seems oddly specific but I can go with it.... Snapped out of existence by Thanos. Awesome, seems like it should be painless.
Stabbed 47 times, in the street for the Nickles in my pocket? No thanks. That sounds horrible.
Starving? Choking on my own vomit from a drug overdose? Getting shot and bleeding out on the sidewalk? Falling to my death? No thanks. All of those seem like really unpleasant and painful ways to die.
I don't actively seek death, but if it comes for me, I am a willing participant.
I've changed from the meme to: if I'm going to live I want to live. Not have to do a bazillion things in order to survive another day. So if I fail to do something that keeps me alive, I accept the risk of possibly dying.
It's more, if my life were to end spontaneously, I would be okay with that. As long as I'm still alive, however, I will continue to make efforts to stay alive.
The feeling, which I share, is more acceptance/apathy, more than giving up when things go wrong. I don't want to starve to death as much as the next person. But I Thanos snapped his fingers and I was dusted, that's good. I'm okay with that.
I don't want to die painfully, I don't seek death. I just don't have any strong feelings about not existing anymore.
Which ever dumbass that said "honesty is the best policy" is a fucking liar.
I read enough news articles to know this, if you want to preserve your freedom (that is, the very little remaining freedom that you still have under this ultra-capitalistic world), you have to lie, otherwise you will end up in a place wose than prison.
Therapy is usually voluntary, and the people going are going for a reason and that's usually to better themselves or help themselves in some way. So lying is just a massive waste of money and time.
If you wanna see an even more massive waste of time and money, just mention to the wrong therapist that you have thoughts of suicide. Then you get a nice 72 hour forced hold at a facility that will then charge you thousands of dollars for the privilege of being involuntarily held there.