The Louisiana Department of Health “will no longer promote mass vaccination.” That's according to a Thursday memo written by the state’s top health official and obtained by The Associated Press.
A department spokesperson confirmed Louisiana Surgeon General Ralph Abraham had ordered his staff to stop engaging in media campaigns and community health fairs to encourage vaccinations, even as the state has experienced a surge in influenza.
Abraham’s announcement occurred the same day vaccine skepticRobert F. Kennedy Jr. was sworn in by the U.S. Senate to serve as President Donald Trump’s health secretary.
In a separate letter posted on the department’s website, Louisiana’s surgeon general decried “blanket government mandates” for vaccines and criticized the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s COVID-19 vaccination push. Individuals should make their own decisions about vaccinations, Abraham said.
Sure, people should be able to make their own decisions. But they'll be able to make much better-informed decisions if you do your job and educate the populace about the life-saving benefits of vaccines. This guy should be stripped of his medical license.
Ask the people with side effects that ruined their life about how great they are.
Its amazing for everyone else of course but everyone is taking a small risk by vaccinating themselves.
Society thinks the risks are worth taking since the majority are going to be fine. But on a personal level, I support anyone not wanting to take that risk.
People like you are the reason why preventable diseases are making a reunion tour. Your comment shows that you (like all idiots like you) have no idea how vaccines work and why it's so important that we all take them.
As far as I'm concerned, there is exactly one single reason why you wouldn't vaccinate and that is because of proven medical issues like a weakened immune system, that would cause proven harm. Anyone else gets vaccinated, at this point at gun point for all I care.
Alternatively, we can send all of you idiots to an island without access to anything that science has given the rest of the world, and you can die in a cave, see if I care. Well quarantine the island and once all of you idiots have died off we'll burn it and then use it for something useful.
I'm so so so so so so done with arguing with idiots like you, picking and and chosing what parts of science you like and which not, arguing about your personal freedoms and whatnot, ignoring the reality that is right in your face.
I really do hope you die from some preventable disease.. Why? Because it will mean that there is one less idiot asshole to deal with and you'll serve as a nice reminder for the rest of the people why being an idiot is a bad idea (TM)
Ask the people with side effects
I will take a 1 in 10 million risk of having a bad side affect from a vaccine compared with the 1 in 100 or even 1 in 1000 chance of bad side effects from something like tetanus, measles, chicken pox, etc.
We also don't give vaccines to everyone. If someone is at a higher risk of having negative side effects, they do not necessarily get the one they will have a reaction to. For instance, my wife is on immunosuppresants and was never able to receive the MMR vaccine because it uses a live attenuated form of the viruses and she would likely get a full blown case of each. But that also puts her at severe risk when there is some numb nuts in the area who didn't get vaccinated because "they did their research" and came to a wrong conclusion that vaccines are super harmful and cause autism and mercury poisoning and have government trackers in them but then end up getting a case of the measles and spreading it to dozens of people.
I get being afraid, but no one should be making big decisions based on fear alone.
The prevalence of primary care provider (PCP)-documented vaccine allergy in Canada was 0.037% (395/1,055,677) and of polyethylene glycol (PEG) allergy was 0.0009% (10/1,055,677). In total, 0.01% of patients had a documented allergy to either PEG or Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network (CIMCP) (135/1,055,677).
None of the patients with PEG allergy had a documented allergy to a CIMCP. Patients with vaccine allergy and PEG allergy were significantly more likely to have other atopic comorbidities, including asthma (P < .001 for both), eczema (P < .001 and P = .001, respectively), rhinitis (P = .002 and P < .001, respectively), and food allergy (P < .001 for both). Significantly higher rates of depression (P < .001 and P < .001, respectively) and anxiety (P = .003 and P < .001, respectively) were found in those with vaccine allergy, or PEG allergy, than those without vaccine allergy or PEG allergy.
On an anecdotal level I had a friend who suffered from eczema and had a negative reaction to a COVID vaccine. It was bad enough he spent 2-3 weeks in hospital. BUT he's also an addict so I'm not sure how much that contributed to the severity of it.
See the thing is, yes there is a very very very small risk about having life altering side effects that nobody wants.
That is not denied by anyone, the great benefit of taking that risk is that whatever the disease is is much much much worse.
Don't believe me fine, as many of you people say, do your research. Find a disease where there is a vaccine. Compare how many people got hurt/died by the vaccine vs having that disease.
Be sure to pick one that has been around for a long time because then there wont be an excuse for long term effects since they have been studied.
Im happy to change my mind about vaccines if you can provide me with one, just one of the many diseases where we are better of having the diaease than getting the vaccine. What does it take to change your mind ?
Abortion = murder But not vaccinating is freedom of rights? Bruh if you child dies from a preventable disease that's murder. You killed them with your choice just like not putting on a seat belt for them.
You failed a parent to protect them by being afraid of what? autism? them turning into a gay frog? Having magneto powers?
Because RFK? because trump? Because conspiracy theory lovers unite and now run the government? Because they're all backward idiots? Because of religious extremists who love to watch the world end so that Jesus may return?
if you support louisiana now the world is a better place. do not force vaxxination, education or even basic rules on those free people so they can be freebto leave this planet.
bird flu, naybe some pox or just Covid2...the US seems to be cleansing itself.