My favorite apple auto correct: changing the word before the one you just finished. You mentally verify that it's correct, type the next word, auto correct fucks up the next word and then retroactively fucks up the word you already moved on from. Absolutely brilliant interface.
this is especially awesome when the first word has already been erroneously “corrected” and then manually fixed. and then apple decides to “correct” the first word again after you type the second word.
Apple’s autocorrect is based on GPT, of chatGPT fame, but it’s the GPT2 model which came out around 2015. Back then it ran on supercomputers, now it fits in your pocket. ChatGPT uses the GPT4 model which requires really big supercomputers for now.
My phone will not let me type 'was' without trying to autocorrect it to SAS. I've told it not to suggest SAS multiple times, but no luck. Swiping always works, though, so it's only when I press each key.
you can technically unteach your autocorrect a word but you do have to catch it trying to "correct" it and longtap the culprit, which can be tricky when it only happens sometimes and you have a habit of typing fast
it really does seem like it, though at least it doesn't get worse on multi-language setups, which i thought would happen but thankfully didn't (at least for me)