What about a link? I could let you have a link you could save to your documents folder? Would you like that? Would you like a link you could save and you could still save your actual file to our cloud? When you have internet trouble and can't load your damn file you could stare at that link and know that when your internet is working again, your file will be right there in the cloud for you. Wouldn't that be nice?
They set me up a new Remote Desktop at work, and I couldn't use it to do my work because OneDrive was trying to sync the whole contents of my Desktop to that machine, when that machine exists primarily to do work that is too network intensive to do from home effeciently.
I switched my personal laptop to LMDE. It has a Windows 10 LTSC VM for some specialty applications that just will not run under Linux, but otherwise I make it work. My gaming PC is the only computer left in my house that runs Windows, and it'll be getting switched to LMDE soon.
Sounds like you need to take a weekend with a linux live distro and just try it out see if you are more compatible with that. Here is a place that has a bunch.
This reminded me to install onedrive for linux. I mean, I have 105 GB of free cloud storage on my OneDrive, it'd be dumb not to take advantage of it even though I've moved from windows. CLI and systray GUI. The GUI makes it very easy to log in and setup, no need to touch a config file.