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Post with a Political Compass of 4 Lemmy instances (.ml, LW, SJW and DBzer0) on /r/PoliticalCompassMemes, feel free to chime in

The meme can also be found on !

  • Ew wtf we don't want PCM users here

    • Are they that bad? Haven't followed that sub (or any, except my local one) for a while

      • The big problem, essentially, is the "All viewpoints are legitimate uwu" pushed by the moderators, and the fact that right-wingers used that to shitpost to their heart's content, driving out less pugnacious non-right wingers and resulting in an overall majority (or at least, vocal plurality) of right-wingers and the normalization of their views showing up in PCMs.

        There are still legitimately left-wing posters on there. They're just the minority. And don't trust the flairs that say 'left' or 'libleft', because there are plenty of false-flag right-wing chuds.

        Reddit's PCM is a bad place to go to, but as someone who enjoys PCMs themselves, especially back in The Good Ol' Days, I also know what it is to like something but hate the only community of note.

  • Out of all communities that was probably the one i missed the least. Most users there are "auth-right" and post flat out racist shit.

    PCM here is bearable though.

    • Ye I checked as soon as it started. Pugjesus has the right approach on this.

      • I just want my funny colored squares. Let me have my political astrology without having to worry about Nazis! DX

        Seeing PCM decline so damn fast, shortly before the Trump years (or... first Trump years. What a fucking mess), really hammered in for me just how important moderation is to maintaining a community.

      • Literally first post i saw. With the title "FINALLY, a western leader who know how to talk to the people of the middle east"

        who know how to talk to the people of the middle east

        Well fuck you too, buddy :) I'm not palestinian but i'm pretty sure not wanting to be nuked for a group's actions in your country is a pretty fucking universal feeling. God i hate these scum.

  • Thank you for posting there

    • I can't believe it's my first post on PCM.

      I mean, I can believe it, since I didn't become a proper Redditor instead of a lurker until PCM had become shit

      But still, it feels odd