I hate those fucking cunts and couldn’t give a shit if they themselves die. But these kids, they are victims. And there will be more victims from those that these innocent kids infect.
I'm worried enough about my own kids, thanks to them, I don't have it in me toncarr about theirs. All I can hope for (in vain, i know) is that they learn from this that science is not evil, their religion and government are.
Those people were lied to by leaders they trusted. I don't think it's their fault, and it certainly isn't their childrens' fault
We have an advantage over them in that we happened to have been born into families or places or come under the influence of good people and found that vaccination is much safer than these diseases, but that's not to our credit, it's to the credit of those who helped us learn
We deserve credit where it's due. We all made a decision to do the bare minimum when told something by consulting either basic logic or the infinite library in our pockets. The only sympathy I have is for the kids. Any adult (including many people I love and care about) can go fuck themselves on this one.
They choose who they trust though. I'm sure MANY people in positions of trust and authority throughout their lives told them correct information. They actively chose not to trust those people, and instead trust people telling them the opposite. There has to be some level of fault and accountability at that point.
Their thoughts and prayers were offset by The San Francisco Gay Librul Agenda! God is PUNISHING those Texas shitkickers because AND ONLY BECAUSE there is Gay in Sanfransisco Libruland!
In addition to a generally miserable illness, measles can cause complications: 1 in 5 unvaccinated people with measles in the US end up hospitalized. About 1 in 10 develop ear infections and/or diarrhea, and 1 in 20 develop pneumonia. Between 1 to 3 in 1,000 die of the infection. In rare cases, it can cause a fatal disease of the central nervous system called Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, which typically develops 7 to 10 years after an infection. Measles can also devastate immune responses to other infections (immune amnesia), making people who recover from the illness vulnerable to other infectious diseases.
Man, if only there were a near instantaneous way to prevent any of that from happening.
I would agree.... But this is hitting children who don't have the choice. I wouldn't wish the death of a child on a parent. It should be the parents getting measles and suffering
Unfortunately the children are the victims. I wish a pox on every adult who voted for this to get this ailment but not the children who don't have any choice
I am so shocked. You mean the government pushing anti-vax would make people less likely to get vaccinated!? Good thing RFK will save us, unless that woke mob prevents him.
Just drink distilled water and raw milk and do a bunch of push-ups, and that measles won't get you. All those childhood vaccines are just a trick by Big Public Health to make more people autistic so they can sell those autism pills.
(Honestly, he's not even wrong that people should invest hard effort in the basics of health, and that would help with some of these generalized "my health is shit" conditions that people are always falling apart from. And he's not wrong that a lot of modern medicine is a corrupt scam. But it's somehow unerringly directed not at the problem areas, and instead at the areas that actually are working, to try to tear those down instead. Personally my conspiracy theory is that at least some of the woo comes from pharmaceutical and insurance companies themselves, to take all the absolutely-inevitable-at-this-point righteous "the whole thing is bullshit" anger and direct it away from themselves and at the public health authorities and individual doctors and nurses instead. I have no evidence but it's what I choose to believe.)
He is right for all the wrong reasons. Or as another famous saying tells us a broken clock is right twice a day. Beware of people who point out problems without solutions.
Remember, the study that antivaxx point as the source of their claims concluded with "give three different vaccines instead of this combined one". Even with their fake, greed induced, arguments, it asks people to vaccinate.