I'm 95% sure it's satire, like it's making fun of those guys that edit pictures of female characters because they're upset when their video game has women who look like actual people.
yes it is intended to point out the absurdity of anti-DEI, though its mostly intended to point out the absurdity of people thinking its woke to have real-looking people
Why do so many people here in the comments take this seriously? This is clearly satire. Joel is already good looking and the people who unironically say shit like this usually say this kind of shit about female or androgynous characters. Imo Joel also looks way better than the "non-woke" version of Joel they created.
Maybe it's my 90s coming out but the guy on the left looks like a handsome man, and the guy on the right looks a lot more effeminate to me. If he put on a nice set of clothes people would have called him metro back then.